'Sup VMM?
Thanks a lot, Althy! xD It was originally started by Fate, Ralz and Kilala. So, if you want to ask anyone, ask them.
Good to see that you're back! May I join the FaRaKiVi?
OK then! (OK then!) Doom II? If so, then get Skulltag NOW!
Yeah! (Nah, it's all right! Schmookiddy Muffin! xD) No, you haven't asked me but I do have the game. I loved the game so I have it on the SNES and on my computer! Thanks for the offer, though.
OK then! (... sorry?) IDK if I asked you if you have DooM, so... do you? If not, then I can ink you to the FreeDoom project!
Yeah! (Ouch, hurt my fweelings! xD)
OK then! (Don't call me that too much please and thanks >_>)
I'll call you: Schmookiddy Muffin! xD
LOL! You're welcome! Good luck! (I know Alther is tough >;>
I like how the message pyramids! Thanks a lot, bud! Althey? No. Hmm, let me get on to making you an awesome nickname!
Posted a note for you!
... ^.^
No problem, Perfect Match! =)