Conversation Between Alther Primus and ViviMasterMage

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  1. 'Sup VMM?
  2. Thanks a lot, Althy! xD

    It was originally started by Fate, Ralz and Kilala. So, if you want to ask anyone, ask them.
  3. Good to see that you're back!
    May I join the FaRaKiVi?
  4. 'Sup?
  5. OK then!
    (OK then!)

    Doom II? If so, then get Skulltag NOW!
  6. Yeah!
    (Nah, it's all right! Schmookiddy Muffin! xD)

    No, you haven't asked me but I do have the game. I loved the game so I have it on the SNES and on my computer! Thanks for the offer, though.
  7. OK then!
    (... sorry?)

    IDK if I asked you if you have DooM, so... do you? If not, then I can ink you to the FreeDoom project!
  8. Yeah!
    (Ouch, hurt my fweelings! xD)
  9. OK then!
    (Don't call me that too much please and thanks >_>)
  10. I'll call you: Schmookiddy Muffin! xD
  11. LOL! You're welcome!

    Good luck! (I know Alther is tough >;>
  12. I like how the message pyramids! Thanks a lot, bud!

    Althey? No. Hmm, let me get on to making you an awesome nickname!
  13. Posted a note for you!
  14. ...
  15. No problem, Perfect Match! =)
Showing Visitor Messages 76 to 90 of 799
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