Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Clint

88 Visitor Messages

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  1. Heh, take it as a compliment. <3
  2. No. It's not that hard of a thing to do. I know how to use complex word processors, so using a scaled down version of a basic word processor is no problem. However, your statement towards me was patronizing. You subtly and cleverly called me an idiot without ever stating the words. Why would you do such a thing? You hurt my feelings.
  3. You've never done it, eh? Your demonstration was absolutely perfect. Been practising, maybe?
  4. I don't like when people post additional comments at the end of their posts in a smaller font. It makes the entire post seem like it was written from arrogance. For example, I've never done that, and I'm not arrogant at all. Do you understand what I am saying to you right now?
  5. It was a private joke between me and another member. You wouldn't understand.

    You could say you having an opinion of it, and feeling the need to tell me in a VM is conceited also. Conclusion: everyone has an ego to boost. Oh dear, oh dear...
  6. Why do you advertise that you haven't gotten a warning in two years? With all due respect, it comes off as a little conceited.
  7. I'm not a troll.
  8. Oh you troll, you...

  9. There's a Bowflex. Now, seeing the Bowflex, would you be offended if I changed it's name to Vertaflex?
  10. I have a very serious question to ask. Don't get offended, but what would you do if I change the name of the exercise machine Bowflex to Vertaflex?
  11. Thank you very much, ma'am.
  12. That's interesting. You use the weird version of the word color, you know, with a U thrown in the mix. And you're right about that colors having mixed emotions thingy, because red is also a color of royalty, along with purple, but it can also mean anger or hatred. Colors are a little bit weird, which is why I prefer to see things like how they're supposed to be seen, in black and white. Not really. I was just saying that.

    The Color Purple is a pretty good movie. Not my favorite Spielberg film, mostly because it's about black people (I'm not racist, I was just making a racist joke.)
  13. Since your biography thingy says that I can ask you things via visitor messages, then I want to ask, what do you think of the color purple? And by the color purple, I mean the literal color purple, not the Spielberg film The Color Purple. But if you want to give your opinion on both, that's be perfectly alright with me.
Showing Visitor Messages 76 to 88 of 88
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