Well, thats possible... Though is it necessary? Maybe, maybe not, but could work, though... Its a problem with characters that runs the same first letter as another character. Laevateinn and Ladon has both "L" as their starting letter. Though, i suppose thats irrevelant with what you had in mind. And yes, everyone have quite different attributes and abilities to them, but... We shouldnt make everyone focused on one role, We for instance have Elyon, who can use Cure and Healing Spells, however... Meigumi has them too, but is generally BETTER at Healing than Elyon. Alther is a powerhouse, that uses Debuffers. I could say that Krysta is good at both STR and SPD. but generally lacks battle tempo like Elyon. I see, thats good to hear. Ya, i figured as much myself, we can stack each status, as long as they boost a different quanity of percentage, But we shouldnt hinder it too much to practically making a certain trait to the game completely obselete.
Ok, so the description can do it, but I also realized we can also use each character's first letter in their name. So, like Cure Grimoir [E] for Elyon is possibly. Of course, we'll use the description, too. Though, to be frank with you, is this an all-right idea? We COULD still have characters that fulfill their roles singurlarly. Like, Krysta is the physical god, Alther is the debuffer, Meigumi is the healer. Everyone has some kind of role. And Elyon gets some status buffs to help out, later. Would you be okay with essentially shattering this balance? I do plan to make use of day/night sequences in towns and stuff as the plot demands, but freely switching day/night doesn't need to exist. Yeah, I figure this is better, though most status buffs give the Valor status, and we can't really stack the same effect twice. Though, Nova gets those skills that very slightly raise stats (which altogether is a different state, entirely).
Well, Its simple to make Grimoires to Specific characters, so you dont have to worry about it... Just add some simple text that; "Teaches xxx to Alther" on it or whatever, then click, there ya go! And creating Grimoires through synthesis is very well possible as well. And i agree, Day/Night Systems are nice, but too complicated, we can always create our own Day/Night Scenes by using events, so its not much or a problem, but those that changes with time is too complicated. And yes, i did try something like this, but its just not working out for me, But i agree, The Status Boosts through runes is quite powerful, as they can stack into each other, as long they are giving off a different Adition to the Stat. Like; +20% STR and +30% STR to each other. Alittle nerf shouldnt hurt.
Not that i know off, But appearantly, from the views of it, you cannot configure your profile with textures and such anylonger... Unless im looking at the wrong places. As for what you said... Grimoires can be made, however, each character must have their "specific" grimoire in that case. We cannot have a grimoire for instance with a Skill that could be taught to any character in your party. As for the Event System, while there is scripts that allows for day and night time, problem is that these are very complicated scripts to handle, which i cannot use, and definitely not right now because im all rusty with the program now, As for those; "Special Effects" you mentioned, probably is not possible.
I almost feel like a new member. Hmm... any new forum resolutions?
Hell, i can tell... This forum got a massive change... I can barely find around anylonger...
Oh my, I just got back from a trip in northern Michigan and... the forums upgraded? o_O I barely recognize the place! I've remade the skillset (again), this time to fit my needs better. I've even added some new skills and reorganized them better. I'm thinking (and this is just a thought) of maybe using grimoires to teach other basics skills to other characters. Like teaching Alther the positive status buffs when he's already made for the negative debuffs. I originally planned each character to get certain skills that go beyond their set roles, but if I'm going to do that, I may as well offer this option to players as well. Of course, this means you'll have to make grimoires to fit these goals, but the recipes are already available, you just have to make them. Of course, if you don't want either of those ideas, just keep in mind only two characters out of eight can handle positive buffs, and another two for negative debuffs. And only ONE for status effects like Virus and Confuse. I was also thinking of some kind of event system. In it, days pass in the game with a special effect being active during it. Like gain more EXP or recover HP and RP after battle or even increase damage increased by enemies. This is basically the give inns a purpose for existing, as save points do the healing. As for how they work, when you sleep, the day changes to the next, offering a new effect for that day. And unlike The After Years, it would pretty much be in effect until you sleep again. Currently, I have 10+ effects in mine, including a day where nothing happens.
... Okay, then, I guess I'll come up with some idea for the fusion, then. I'll start with the basics, for now.
I'd like some ideas just thrown out there. Since I pretty much have no clue what the limits are, and you do, you're the best one for this task. Just toss as many ideas as you can think of.
I cant say that, Because we first off, dont have any complete item list, And no, nothing specially advanced, You can put Poison or other stuff on a weapon and everything, I'll do what i can.
There, problem solved. Now, if you could, please list all the things that could be synthesized. I can imagine the basics, but are there any advanced attritbutes that can be added? Perhaps permanent status effects or immunities?
5x Potions in one go? No problemo. Package of... Life? "Gives a bunch of non-colesterol, and probably disgusting drinks that heals." x? ??? x? ??? x? ???
Well, if you can receive Potion x5, I don't see how this is such a problem. Just lie with the text.
I know what you said, But i cannot give one recipe, and then get a dozen invisible ones, that is not possible, Each needs to be visible. Doing that way, we're getting way less experiance on searching recipes, But hey... Each equipment in the game doesnt have 30+ upgrades, more like between; 3-6 upgrades, including the basic ones, because all have that one.
Um... weren't you listening? I said when you get "one" recipe, you're actually receiving dozens of recipes. Rather than specifying to one weapon, you obtain the base recipe, and the other ones you also obtain are for the weapons that are related to that recipe.