Conversation Between Pete and Zargabaath

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. I've been to Camden Yards a few years ago, when the Yankees were there; my sisters are yankee fans... traitors. lol. Yankees lost the game . I haven't been to the new nats park. I've also been to Comerica Park (Tigers), Fenway, and Old Yankee stadium.
  2. Yeah, the billboards really do take away from the stadium. As for Pujols, the man is just a beast. He'd be doing the same thing no matter what team he's on, which makes him that much more incredible. And yeah, going to the stadium is something you have to experience for yourself. Have you been to Camden Yards or Nats Park yet?
  3. I'm not too fond that MLB allowed advertisement again. That's true on Wright he's all by himself, but then again Pujols didn't have much protection he had better than Wright but still put good numbers. Of course Pujols is a better player and has a easier home field. My dad and I are planning to go to Citi Field next year, couldn't get it in this year.
  4. Ugh, don't get me started on Citi field. I've been there a few times, and I can't really stand any aspect of it. The views from the seats mostly suck; they're partially obstructed. There aren't any Mets logos, except on the garbage cans and the tree planters outside the stadium, and on top of that there are a ridiculous amount of billboards. Every little space that they can place an ad, they have.

    As for Wright, I think he'll pick up his power numbers next year. He doesn't really have any protection in the lineup, so pitchers can really just focus on giving him crap to hit instead of having to worry about him, Beltran AND Delgado. He's got Murphy and Francoeur, which isn't terrible, but isn't a lot of power either.
  5. Hard part will be getting a power hitter to sign, look at Wright- only 5 HR this year if I'm not mistaken. Citi Field is brutal, not only the big dimensions but the wall is pretty high as well.
  6. Yeah, it's looking like Delgado and Wagner may go, if they can get healthy and prove they're capable of something. At this point, the both of them are pushing their late 30's and it might just be time to let them go. I'm fairly sure they're both in their last years of their contracts, so at this point, it is what it is. I'd really like to see them get rid of Castillo and his ridiculous contract, and develop Murphy into a legit 2B, and maybe shop for a power hitting 1B in the offseason. And yeah, it sucks, but we probably won't be as good as we'd like to be until maybe 2011 or 12. Unless everyone can stay healthy next year, and Ollie can get his act together.
  7. I'm pretty sure you heard that Delgado and Wagner may be dealt? Do you think it will happen? I wouldn't want either to leave but if their contracts are up, don't remember when they are signed till, I could understand the reason. It looks to be at least a few more years before we can be really competitive.
  8. Yeah, this has been a brutal year. I've seen the AA team play too; I went to school up in Binghamton, and all I can say is that we don't have anything really going for us in the farm system right now.
  9. Read you are a Mets fan, me too and so is my father and grand-father. It's hard this year, all the damn injuries and bad fielding. If their players keep getting injured they'll have to be using players from the Double-A team.
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