Conversation Between Illusion and NikkiLinkle

89 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lol, you posted the same thing twice.

    Hmm, I'm not really into anime, I'm amazed at how perveted some of it can be and that just turns me away from it because it's just sad when people watch anime for that kind of stuff.

    Oh, come on. Bruno Mars isn't half bad, haha. Granted, you'll get sick of listening to Granade after about the second time around but I think he's got talent.

    Life is long and difficult, I think it would do you good to find a friend or two. It's good to have some one you can go to when you need something. Just keep in mind, will you?

    Sports are fun! Have you ever thought about what it feels like just running around mindlessly after a ball? It doesn't seem to a point to it, but it could be very fun.

    Typed alot, sorry!
  2. I like movies and anime. Although some anime is too perverted for my liking. I also enjoy music of course. I'll listen to anything but my favourites are metal and rock. I'm not a fan of Bruno Mars

    I don't have any friends lol I get my social fix from work and Facebook. I'm a bit of a loner I guess. I just enjoy being alone.

    I'm not into sports lol I'm too lazy haha.
  3. I like movies and anime. Although some anime is too perverted for my liking. I also enjoy music of course. I'll listen to anything but my favourites are metal and rock. I'm not a fan of Bruno Mars

    I don't have any friends lol I get my social fix from work and Facebook. I'm a bit of a loner I guess. I just enjoy being alone.

    I'm not into sports lol I'm too lazy haha.
  4. I'm currently staying with some folks, so I got few expenses to cover for myself.

    Haha, that's good. Stay positive and things will improve for you guys.

    I think you could find the pieces you're missing on the internet. The super nintendo is pretty old, but just may be you'll find what you need.

    I like football soccer and movies alot, too. Hanging out with friends when possible, and, when time permits, watch a good tv show or two.

    And you? What other things do you enjoy?
  5. No. I live with my boyfriend. We're doing all right, just all the bills come at once! So we have to make sacrifices. But that's life hey. How about you? Do you live at home or alone?

    I'm going to my mum's later, she has a tv she said I can have Should be back onto FF XIII later hopefully

    My mum still has our Super Nintendo lol and Super Mario Bros 3 but we lost the cords for it

    What other things besides gamesare you into?
  6. Hmm, do you live by yourself? Because it sounds like you're having it pretty rough.

    I like winter and rain too, actually. But it's summer over here, so I'll have to put with the high tempertures.

    I think the name is "Heavy Rain" and no, I haven't had the chance, too many games in my platter right now.

    I think all the Nintendo games are great fun, Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid...they're like all classics, you know?
  7. I haven't played any of those. But I will check them out. I can't afford to buy a new tv let alone move over there lol. I don't mind winter. I love the rain. Have you played Hard Rain? Is that the name lol I've heard about it and it sounds interesting. I also want to buy a Wii and play Super Mario again hehe and Donkey Kong.
  8. My respects, old school stuff is fun.
    It would be nice to have all the games in one platform, but you know Square, they want to give every new potential fan a chance to get addicted to series, haha.

    I like alot of games, but it basically comes down to rpgs and action games for me. I really like God of War, Assassin's Creed, FF, and Persona. Have you ever played a Persona game before? It looks like cartoonish, but I became a fan of the series after playing just the one game I decided to try out. I think you will like the series if you tried it.

    Really?! Winter? Amazing.
    I live in the west coast in the US. It's pretty hot right now. Why don't you move here for the season (: ?
  9. No I don't have a psp. I'll add it to the list of things I need to buy. I wish that they would just release all the games on 1 platform. I do like the old school stuff I also like games like Saints Row and Disgaea. I'm not a hardcore gamer or anything hehehe. I like the cartoonish type games with a story I can get into. What other games are you into?

    I live in Australia. Winter has just begun. The last couple of days have been freezing! I live in Queensland, and the days don't usually get this cold here. Oh well. Where do you live?
  10. You like the old style fantasy look? Haha, that's awesome.
    Have you played the remakes for the psp?

    Where do you live??? It's summer!!!
  11. I think it was the first one hehehe. I love the little cartoon graphics of the first ones lol. I'd love a remake of them all. But there is something about the original make.

    Ooo it's freezing here! It's like 9 degrees or something. About to go to bed I think.

    Enjoy your sunny day. Keep cool ok? Nice talking to you
  12. Ah, that is good to hear.
    I'm doing alright, but it's a bright, sunny day outside, something tells me it's going to be reallyyy hot today.

    Oh, then you are an FF fan (:
    I've always liked all the stories, they always do seem to have a special touch to them. What was the first FF you played?

    Lol, that is so unfortunate for you! Hope it's all fine for you now.
  13. I am well thank you. You?

    I just love the stories of the FF series. They all have a magical awesome feel. I have FFXIII but I haven't finished. I was rudely interrupted by being flooded! Just haven't gotten back into it since lol
  14. Hi, how you do?

    You know, I've never played FFVII, either. But you know, with people saying so much about it you kinda get the picture of the overall story, and then you feel like you know the game more or less well.
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