Do as you wish.
Hey! Alther! May I forge the final part of my epic tale?
I edited it!
I guess our guardians are even then...
OOOHH!!!! That must have smarted! I'm glad I corrupted her when I did though! All of those Demonic souls came in handy!
NEVER underestimate Azraels Ultimajagun!
Well, Naglaafar's in quite a pickle now!
The battle between our guardians have opened!
The Crystal is now awaiting you in the Chaosthroph headquarters!!
Ieeeeeeee!!!!!! Tough battle this is! Hopefully I won't die next turn! (If I do then my phoenix will save me, but he charge willl be lost)
Sorry about that castle...
Hmmm... It does look to much like you castle... Try Dark-Grey and Black instead... And the moon is totally wrong! It looks like its just between the castle that you can touch it. Try another pic.
Hmmmm, it seems like a challenge, but I WILL Survive, even if it means going into Chaos Incarnate form or a secret one that you DON'T want to know.
I aqaully come to think of something you could do... You could find a better Castle Pic for my group, And remember... Im the lord so i get bigger castle
Well I joined your group, I noticed that the castle pic, is mine before I edited it LOL! And the Bedchamber is rather hard, I'm not good at creating completely original images. If you could send me a base that would be GREAT!