Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Do as you wish.
  2. Hey! Alther! May I forge the final part of my epic tale?
  3. I edited it!
  4. I guess our guardians are even then...
  5. OOOHH!!!! That must have smarted! I'm glad I corrupted her when I did though! All of those Demonic souls came in handy!
  6. NEVER underestimate Azraels Ultimajagun!
  7. Well, Naglaafar's in quite a pickle now!
  8. The battle between our guardians have opened!
  9. The Crystal is now awaiting you in the Chaosthroph headquarters!!
  10. Ieeeeeeee!!!!!! Tough battle this is! Hopefully I won't die next turn! (If I do then my phoenix will save me, but he charge willl be lost)
  11. Sorry about that castle...
  12. Hmmm... It does look to much like you castle... Try Dark-Grey and Black instead... And the moon is totally wrong! It looks like its just between the castle that you can touch it. Try another pic.
  13. Hmmmm, it seems like a challenge, but I WILL Survive, even if it means going into Chaos Incarnate form or a secret one that you DON'T want to know.
  14. I aqaully come to think of something you could do... You could find a better Castle Pic for my group, And remember... Im the lord so i get bigger castle
  15. Well I joined your group, I noticed that the castle pic, is mine before I edited it LOL! And the Bedchamber is rather hard, I'm not good at creating completely original images. If you could send me a base that would be GREAT!
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