Don fore teh turnn! (Lol word for Done for your turn! xD)
Your turn!
Go get your Fire Crystal Alther!
I saw it. Cool.
I have my new Guardian!
I see. I have created the next scene.
Oh, I'm almost there!
Wow! i just finished my post and I found an UBER attack! At the expence of having one HP afterward.
And yeah... How goes with the hunt for the Fire Crystal? ;P
I have also edited the post at CoC - Part V so... it's your turn.
Thank you! Now, I need to go find another guardian!
Since you are rank 7 now, You can recruit another Guardian!
Excellent! Therefor, I will increase your rank with 1! Gongratulation!
Is this any Better?
We have a new member! Also, wht font do you want, the same one as for the top/large text?