He's... quite able that way... -_- Sure, what's up?
Posted another usernote for you Ralz! Spammers, yeesh *coughfatescoughcoolcoughevencoughifcoughhedidcoug hspamyourusernotescough* Nasty coughing fit there! Anyways, I ws wondering if you would be interested in joining a group. VM me if you want more info.
I know, but there's always that chance right. But first, I need some victims!
Remember Ralz, random, try using a random list generator or something.
Who knows, I just might make you the killer for a change, DVC!
Well, good luck on that!
Waiting for input. I'll at least keep it alive as much as possible!
So, how's being the master? Think it's fun now? Wait till later.
Sure, I'll take a crack at master for a bit. So... I choose someone randomly after we get 10 people, right? (I forgot the rules... -_-)
Sorry about FF Betrayal, I just kept forgetting... Here, I;ll cancel the current round and you can try to be the main person. How does that sound?
Yes, really fun, there's always something to do! Oh, you mean the demo. It came out about a week before the actual release, with a selection of Onion Knight, Cecil, Terra, Cloud... and Sephiroth... (>.<)
BTW, I forgot, I'm Armageddon now, not rebellion! LOL!
I guess Dissidia is pretty fun eh? I heard it was coming to PSN! (Not that I could use it but still, I'm fine with CaS's in the style of FF Charachters!) So anyways, How are ya?
Oh, it's so much fun! I refuse to surrender until the very end! (Man, I'm so screwed...)
I hope I do get one someday! Also, you're vastly outnumbered!!!!