Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. That must've taken a while to set up. Kuddos to the guy who did it. ^^

    Well, I don't know any other languages, so if I talk wierd, you can pull up that translator anytime!

    Then again... Syopa Vivi fuh'd nayt drec? E'mm haat du gaab ed y calnad yht ruba ra tuach'd ica dra dnyhcmydun. Palyica TFF syo hud pa dra nekrd bmyla du gaab y calnad... Drah ykyeh, Fate cinamo lyh'd gaab y calnad du cyja rec meva.
  2. And so easy to get because of the translator! xD

    I know what you mean! I hate when people speak a different language to keep something secret. It could be about me! =D
  3. But, its a fun little language.

    Especially when no one else knows what you're talking about!
  4. God damn, I've started a chain reaction of Al bhed.
  5. I found it on Google, and downloaded the whole thing. Thankfully, that Winrar thing I downloaded before handled everything.

    My PSP is now a very happy device for me!
  6. I got the whole soundtrack off Dodie, so yeah, I've heard them all!

    EPICNESS, eh?
  7. Man, have you heard the soundtrack for BBS, yet? Every theme is more kickass than the last. They even made Radiant Garden's theme SO cool! Here's a few:

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - The Encounter (They made it more serious, and it works!)
    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Radiant Garden (THE best Radiant Garden theme to date. Its hope-filled, majestic, but also serious and foreshadowing. SO great!)
    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Final Vanitas Battle (At the start, you really feel like you're in the threshold of all evil. As it goes, it gets more and more epic. Roxas' and Sora's themes are in there, too!)

    I REALLY love BBS now!
  8. He missed the point...

    Sonic Adventure 2 was... the last good game in the sonic series. Sonic Heroes blowed so hard... and it only got worse from there. (It still haunts me to this day: SONIC HEROOOOES!!! *repeats for years*)

    Wow, your country's censoring sucks. o_O

    "In July 2007, Mario Party 8 for the Wii was withdrawn from United Kingdom game stores shortly after its release date.[4] This was allegedly caused by Kamek using the word "spastic." Complaints were raised from consumers because the term is used to refer to a mentally challenged person and is considered offensive in the United Kingdom. In August 2007, Nintendo eventually re-released the game, replacing "spastic" with the word "erratic"." (From Wikipedia)

    Kingdom Hearts beat Mario, MARIO! I don't think its far behind from Zelda... and it beat FFXIII, BTW, by a landslide. (A lot of things beat FF XIII, actually...) Fayt must be kicking himself. (I couldn't help it... Oh well. I'll just hope for the best.)

    Excuse me, did you just say Tidus' weapon... ISN'T... HARD... AT ALL? o_O O_o

    Let me direct you to this... YouTube - FFX Chocobo Catcher Successfull run preceded by several misses (Now take that number of failures and multiply it by FIFTY and you've got what this game is really all about.)

    You know... you can totally get it after beating Yunalesca... just turn around... DB doesn't come until after this. (You're thinking of the crest, BTW, because the SIGIL really is IMPOSSIBLE.) Who cares, you abuse it, anyway... >_> (Show me... use it on the Besaid monsters, and see how much damage it deals. Turn the animation short.) That won't be too hard, then. (o_O)

    Uh... I have full confidence. But maybe... perhaps... would they?

    Whatever you say.

    Yeah, yeah...
  9. Of course you could. You'd be able to study their habitat and live how they live...

    I know, and I used to love the old games and Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. I just hope that they can get it right and stop with the crappy spin-offs or failures. I mean, Mario's slowly on his way back up but with games like Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games and Mario sells out his fans - The Game, I just don't see how I can play them anymore. Kingdom Hearts still has to beat Zelda and the old Final Fantasies in the best RPG category because remember Ocarina of Time and how that's rated the best game EVER made? You can try get it but there isn't any luck for me... Damn England! I hate this country for gaming, but at least we aren't Australia. They never get anything good. (That was the WORST pun I have ever heard... and I haven't seen anything new.) Yuna kicks ass with it! Tidus' weapon isn't hard at all. The Caladbolg is piss, but getting the sigil for it is impossible because Dark Bahamut is impossible! Rikku's is quite easy if you have all the Al bhed tablets or cheat on the internet. Yeah, Anima the woman can... It's she not he. (And that's right! I'll record it for you, if you like. Yeah, controls are exactly the same. (MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!)

    You stuttered, as if you doubt them...

    I know, not guess.

    You better be done soon!
  10. Even with that, you probably still couldn't understand them any better...

    Sonic is seemingly dead now... crappy title after crappy title. Sonic Unleashed was a glimmer of hope... but only the day stages. Mario's already been defeated by Kingdom Hearts. WE ARE OFFICIALLY THE GREATEST GAME SERIES EVER. In that case, why didn't I get that sooner? I'll try and get it for my birthday! (Except, all I gotta do is buy it and the game and let it... work its magic. o_O Anything else you found out about it? Maybe about this sliding tool?) Yuna is the easiest one to get the ultimate weapon for. Tidus' is near impossible without luck... And Rikku's is manegable, if you have good reflexes and patience. Anima can attack in a chain over there, can't he? (They say if you cut the animation short, you can break the 99999 damage limit...) Wow, that's broken. So, counterclockwise from the top, its X Y B A for you? (Uh-oh... O_o)

    They... they won't do that. I know they have more resources than that!

    I guess, then. xD

    I got the general concept now. It can't get any worse from here...
  11. Yeah. I get that, sometimes... I also have some friends which are girls, but they're hard to read too. I wish I had mind reading abilities!

    I know what you mean. You mean that you want the game to RIP when the time comes, and not get raped like Sonic and Mario games are getting. I also hope that the new Zelda title doesn't go the way of old yella... I mean Mario. You're right! It does look like that. (You couldn't get used of downloading a game so how are you going to work Swap Magic? xD) I suppose you could do that: Yuna, Rikku, Tidus = WIN! I love the speed and my best attacker is Yuna with 99999 damage, or Anima for 1 million damage because he has 255 stats!) Yeah, you can get into the 200 zone before you enter the Monster Arena. Oh, well it's not like that over here and our DS controls are exactly the same as yours too! (*drool* *turns into anti-Dodie* I wuv Axel!) xD

    I'd literally cry myself to sleep at night and curse Square Enix for the rest of my gaming life.

    You're talking as if I'm not here again... I totally got the joke, it's just that I wanted to sound intelligent and get a chance to correct you for a change. I don't think all characters have a weird name, I mean Kairi means Kylie/Kyle.

    You need any more help?
  12. Oh? Girls seem to whisper a lot where I come from...

    Well, I'm always going to love KH, but I want it to stay alive, not become a long overdue death wish of a game series. Hmm... it looks like a mini-PS2, with PSOne-style cover. (It looks like all you gotta do is get that strange device, then insert the Swap Magic CD, then Load the Imported disc. I could SO get used to that in a flash!) I'd take Tidus down Rikku's path, because she's my second favourite character, actually. 255 stats normally without the Monster Arena node rewards? If I was to play a Japanese game, O would be enter, and X is cancel, yes. Thus, I should imagine my PS2 controller to be the controllers like the DS. The A button is confirm over here, and its where the O button is located on the PS2. If I can imagine that... I'll adjust. (I love when he kills Vexen, he's so badass.) YouTube - Kh Re:CoM-Cutscene-Axel muders Vexen Goodbye.

    If he has that, Squeenix is the laziest company in existence. o_O

    Obviously, he missed the joke. But strange names cane be fun... when a FEW characters have it. Almost every new character has a strange name.

    Sora... Ventus... Xehanort... (The list goes on... But I do find it awesome that these long names all have a meaning behind them, which usually alludes to their own character.)

    I got it now... for the music part, I ran amok and pasted them everywhere. It worked, but I'm not sure which was the critical file... oh well.
  13. Yeah, which means trouble for me. I don't get girls, period. I wish I did...

    I suppose they could though. You know what the crafty people at Square Enix are like. They'll milk the cow dry, until it dies and then move on to soy milk to keep it alive even longer even though it sucks and tastes bad. I thought that it was a disc you had to insert but maybe there are different kinds of that Swap Magic. The one I'm looking at is version 3. Oh, that's not fair on you guys. It's pretty good, because from the start, you can take Tidus to Lulu's or Rikku's sections of the Sphere Grid. (They've been muddled around a lot too.) It's very disorientating, if that's the word I'm looking for, because you seem to forget where Tidus, or any other party member is supposed to be going. I see that they are supposed to go anyway but in the game, until around the part of Yuna's wedding, your characters are pretty weird and their stats are crap too. Auron will have a high MAG stat and etc. But in the end, when you get though all the sphere grid, you get around 255 stat in everything. (Sorry about that nonsensical rant...) We don't. You mean like Final Fantasy 7 in that, O was enter and X was cancel? We don't have that, no. (It looks great and I've been looking at some cut-scenes and noticed that he is rather a bastard.)

    If he has that voice in Birth By Sleep, I'll kill myself.

    I actually disagree. I find that exotic and unique names are key to great RPG's. You must know that yourself, Ralz.

    I'll help you through the steps again, if need be.
  14. Black Walts IV? o_O I don't understand girls, sometimes.

    If they try to expand Kingdom Hearts, they'll simple have to create a whole new senario all together. Besides, if not for the letter at the end of KH2, everything would be solved. Yeah, I read its something you attach to the PS2... is that true? No, we didn't get it. It was thought up with the International release, what's it like? You DON'T have the X and O issue? I'm getting envious... (Wild Smash is the name. So awesome, and it deals a LOT of damage. Oh yeah, and Axel is kinda... a bastard in this one. His character is not what you'd expect in the rerelease.)

    He also has that voice in Days, although, by the time you get Sora, the year is nearly up, so its more believable. Sora'd be all: " o_O xD

    Why must there be strange names all the time? I vote the new main villain of Kh should be named...


    It's back now, but I think I have to download again... >_>
  15. He's changing his name to Black Waltz! Is that confusing enough? Yeah, it means they had to go to the bathroom but in the end, they're okay and calm down. xD

    How do you know that they'll stop at three? I know that you'd like them to stop at three, just like a perfect trilogy. But saying that, they might milk it for all it's worth just like Final Fantasy VII was. (If I learn anything about Swap Magic, I'll tell you. You didn't get expert?! I didn't know that but I did hear that it was added. Did you know it allows you to take a different path, without using LVL4 Key Spheres? It also allows all team members to get around 255 in all stats. Without cheating. Plus, our version doesn't have the O and X swap, you know.) (Oh, thanks... makes me feels better...)

    Couldn't they get Haley Joel Osment to put on a kids voice again? I know, I think he may be able to drop his nuts upon entering the castle, if he froze time with Stop but otherwise unlikely. I mean, I expected his voice to go high again after she hit him near the nuts. xD

    I really feel natural saying She-on now but saying other things is annoying and I stick with how I say it, because I'm cool.

    Got your computer back yet?
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