Hmm.... I wish I could read minds. That's pretty heartless.
He's plotting, that's for sure... Because... he felt like it...?
Definetly. I wonder what evil scheme he's up to now.... Why 100? =___=;
You're right, it's in his nature. -_- I appreciate it, and nice to have a break after... 100... O_o
Almost true, but you can't be suprised. I think it's normal for him to be that way. You're welcome.
Fate's a mean rumor spreader, and they're all LIES!!!! But thanks for your usernote!
Okay, then. I'll just hide in the bushes and wait.
I didn't see anything, but it's a total lie.
Come onnn, tell me.
At Armageddon's castle. Is it really true? xD
What discussion? What false rumors is he spreading now!? *goes to stalk Fate*
So, like, is it true that you were spying on SilkAngel, like Fate said at that disscussion?
I hope. >_<;
Actually, Terra's description in the Museum says she always loves to fluff moogles. Don't worry, Meigumi. Mog'll probably warn you if she goes on a huggle rampage.