Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. Barely a second. Does she learn it?

    I guess Brilliant Rose?
  2. I suppose that it's Stun, if I remember the name correctly. Does she create a yellow aura around the enemy to make them stagger for a couple seconds?

    I love a bunch of Star Ocean OSTs. Know my favorite?
  3. I keep seeing her do this one move after getting hit. It halts the opponent for an instant. Do you know what it is? I can't figure it out...

    Yeah, very excellent music. Probably my favourite track.
  4. Shantotto's quote, I heard that yesterday, too. =P I can't seem to get her tornado tossing to work. Can you?

    OOh, Star Ocean OST?
  5. ...-_-

    To Kuja - "Clinging so tightly to mortality."
    To Shantotto - "I will add your magic to my own."
  6. Ooh, I found out what the music for the Cave of Tribulations is called! I love that song!
    YouTube - Star Ocean II (PS) - Mission to the Deep Space
  7. Well, I misunderstood you, then. =P

    What other funny quotes does he say?
  8. I said that. Pause before they do their defeat cry. The only time you CAN pause before the victory screen... -_-

    Existence is nothing...
  9. I thought you meant pause when the opponent screams, which is impossible. I paused it a second before the final blow.

    I heard it last night. And that's worse than yours. Tiny excuse...
  10. That's what I meant. Was I not specific enough?

    So you DID hear it! ;P And that's nothing. He says to Tidus: "Your very existence is nothing!" What a jerk! >.<
  11. Good night!
  12. I got it to work. Seems you pause before the opponent screams.

    A tiny excuse for a human!? I am going to kill him!
  13. Do you pause JUST before the battle ends?

    Bed for me, night.
  14. Sure. =]

    Hey, I can't get the glitch to work...
  15. Well, I'll just post my videos to you from now on, then...
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