I...I'm sorry!
Just check out he conversation between Fate and I!
No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You lie!
well, I just VM'd Fate and he VM'd me back, all hostilities over the castle are over!
You shall pay!
Armageddon's hidden Supreme Chamber.
Where!? I'll come right now!
Um, the small party is going on RIGHT NOW!
Wann join a small party in my room? (At my castle!) (There's gonna be a HUGE one later, but still...)
Awesome! Thank you.
You have a room with a view!
Here it is! http://thefinalfantasy.net/forums/gr...scussionid=290
If I could find the thread.-_-' When you get on could you send me a link?
Just call me whatever you want! LOL! Als, welcome to my castle! There's a thread for you to sign in where I can assign you a room!