Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. Ouch.

    Nope, I'm most definitely 18.

    Keep talking. You're only making it more easy for me.

    Changed? I've been talking like this for weeks now... -_-

    Such power... I can feel your emotion. Bravo.
  2. I'll shall bite my tongue.

    You would, really. I bet you're not 18, probably some 40 year old that took advantage of our trust. I just don't get you. You had friends that liked you for who you are, (or were -_-) now you're putting on another show for your self-indulgent mind. You think this is a game? Well, guess what? You just lost.

    You think that because we're younger than you are, that you can fling us around and wrap us around your index finger. Come to think of it, you always do that. You play act all the time, and don't worry. In my mind, I just knew that you craved attention but still I asked Fate to care, and to talk to you. Once again, your childish and feeble attempts to win us back fail to impress me. No where to go? If I'm not mistaken, you're the one that hasn't got someone to turn to. You're all alone.

    You've just lost everything. It's been in my head all day in school. You're getting to me and I can't control it... *sarcasm* I don't know why you continue to try get to us. You're not fooling me, you'll never change, never love, or even care. Notice how the type of language you use changes as you get up the page. You may notice that you start off apologetic and change to quite a twat.

    You've changed within the several hours, as I mentioned above. I'm not going to take this anymore, I'll leave you with a song, that reflects my feelings towards you.

    I cannot take this anymore
    I'm saying everything I've said before
    All these words they make no sense
    I find bliss in ignorance
    Less I hear the less you'll say
    But you'll find that out anyway

    Just like before...

    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break

    I find the answers aren't so clear
    Wish I could find a way to disappear
    All these thoughts they make no sense
    I find bliss in ignorance
    Nothing seems to go away
    Over and over again


    Shut up when I'm talking to you
    Shut up, shut up, shut up!

    I'm about to break!
  3. Tch. Overreacting, the lot of you...

    I'd like to see that.

    Those exact words only prove my point. You try desperately to remember, in the vain hopes of somehow giving me come-uppance. But, in the act of doing so, the thought slowly disappates from your mind, until its an unattainable fragment of a memory. No where to go, and no purpose left to serve.

    I've lost nothing. In fact, I can only gain from this. I admit, my discretion brought upon this... rage you've created, but by acting upon it, I've already lost control of the situation. Its no longer in my hands, so do what you please. No matter what you do, I've still got you on your knees.

    Ta-ta... for now. You'll be back, and we'll discuss once more. As if it never happened, in fact. Regardless of how you feel... the person you are talking to, is no different from the one several hours ago.
  4. I think he had the right as well.

    I am, and I will. It's time I start being the arsehole for once. I've taking your annoyances and harsh comments with a smile but I'll get you back. Some how...

    I'm never ever forgetting and I'll never forgive. You've just lost two of your friends as I see it. You should have done it in the first place and kept covering it up. You can take a crap and spray it with air freshener, and guess what? It's still crap.

    -Peace. =/
  5. He's being nosy. We were discussing in privacy, and he butted in.

    Why? You're not going to play the holier-than-thou card, are you? You're all getting so upset over something that won't matter anyway. I explained it to Fate, and I'll explain it to you.

    FORGET IT. What's done is done. I cannot go back in time and change it.
  6. I've read what you said to Fate. Don't call me nosey, it's my right at this moment.

    And don't call me Kyle. Using me like a pillow to cry and inflict blows on.
  7. I had to clear the air somehow.

    ...and you were around...
  8. Thanks like treating me like a punching bag...

    ...I'm off to school. I'll scold and swear later.
  9. (Here comes the cursing, as expected, of course.)

    I fully understand that. But, you gotta understand, he had me cornered... in a way.

    ...Dra dnidr naymmo cilgc... acbaleymmo frah drana'c y mud uv ed...

    E'mm ku tufh dra mecd... yht edc dra vimm dnidr. Pameaja sa... ajah druikr dryd sekrd pa yh esbuccepmedo yd drec buehd.

    1. So lusbidan ec ehtaat picdat. Hu cuiht. Ed naymmo, naymmo cilgc. Chaygehk uhdu dra udran uha lyh pa y lruna yd desac. So bynahdc ryja drec vecrehk kysa frelr ec mega y tnik du dras. E's milgo ev drao'na kuha po 3 YS...

    2. Oac, E cdemm meja fedr so bynahdc. Edc Fehdan Casacdan yd dra lummaka. E fuh'd pa uid... ihdem yd dra jano maycd, so Pylramun'c taknaa.

    3. Rsrsrsrs... ugyo, veha. Dra tufhmuytehk ped fyc SUCDMO dnidr, pid E tet mea cusa. Veha, E ytsed ed, E'ja tufhmuytat pavuna. (Ed teth'd fung uid, pid...) Pid, E's hud moehk ypuid dra tufhmuytehk, dryd'c ruf oui kioc dfecdat drehkc. E fyc naymmo luhvicat ypuid dra byndc fedr cuiht, yht oui ymm lryhkat ed du tuhfmuytehk eh kahanym. Cu, cuyg eh ouin ufh bancuhymmo kahanydat, yht ihehdahdeuhym mea, E kyja oui yh yhcfan.

    4. Ryryryryry... uv luinca E lyna ypuid oui ymm. Oui'na bnyldelymmo pnudranc yht cecdanc du sa. E luimth'd ryja ed yho udran fyo. Ev E mucd oui ymm... E ghuf drana'c hudrehk gaabehk so rana. Pid... yd desac... oui lyh ymm pa cu... ayco du syhebimyda, bid cesbmo. (Acbaleymmo icavim eh dra lyca uv "Rfuynyhk'c" hysa.)

    5. Hu, dryd fyc sa. E tuh'd mega ruf E muug. E's yh ujanfaekrd 18-oayn umt fedr y L yjanyka eh lummaka. >_>

    6. Pameaja fryd oui fyhd. Pid ghuf drec... E dnicd oui.

    7. Po yht po, ajanodrehk femm palusa y naymedo... yht ouin naymewydeuh femm palusa ybbynahd.
  10. I... really need to lie down, just lie the fúck down...

    I'm not confused, just angry and a bit disappointed.

    Ec dra pnugah lusbidan, yhudran yld? Fryd ypuid mejehk fedr ouin bynahdc, ar? Lyh'd tufhmuyt, E pad dryd'c y mea duu. Ec uin vneahtcreb y mea? Tu oui lyna ypuid ic, un tu oui mega du syhebimyda ic mega biddo. E pad dra beldinac uv oui fana meac yht ajanodrehk amca. Syopa fryd ouin cyoehk huf ec yhudran mea du caa ruf E nayld du drec mea. Ed'mm ku uh eh y muub, luhcdyhdmo yht luhcdyhdmo yht nabaydehk eh y cbenym. Ajanodrehk, un hudrehk ec y mea, frelr ec ed?
  11. Sorry about all that. I really didn't mean to cause any harm.

    Dra mea fyc punh vnus y caneac uv meac. Yvdan ymm fyc cyet yht tuha, E ylletahdymmo luhjehlat Vyda E fyc 16. Drah ra syta sa bnuseca hajan du mea ykyeh... yht E hajan tet mea ykyeh. Y naym crysa dryd bnuseca fyc lnyvdat vnus dra Asbanun uv Meac. (Rao, E kad du pa Asbanun uv cusadrehk!)

    Oayr... lnyvdo uv sa du reta ed ymm drec desa. (Drah ykyeh, oui fanah'd ynuiht frah ed rybbahat. Pid E ybumukewa du oui yhofyo, yc oui fana yhudran cipzald uv so moehk yc famm.)

    Y mud uv drehkc ypuid so vneahtcreb uv Vyda... nameac uh dryd uha cehkma vnypnelydeuh. Ysywehk... fryd y cehkma mea lyh tu, nekrd? 1000 cunneac, pid bmayca tuh'd pudran fedr sa. E haat du vekina uid ruf E's kuhhy veq drec.

    Ouin lnyvdo pycdynt uv y "vneaht," Nymwo.
  12. E'mm vindran aqbmyeh ev oui'na luhvicat.

    Faagc yku, oui ghuf E gehty chybbat palyica ruf E seccat ruf Vyda icat du pa? (Famm, DRYD bynd fyc dnia.) Pid... E kiacc E fyc dnoehk du cdynd cusadrehk... yht dra hysa lysa uid. Ed fyc cittah. (Pid, E'mm damm oui drec: Fryd E vamd fyc yhodrehk pid y mea.) E fyc clynat, cina. E druikrd Vyda fuimt hajan cbayg du sa ykyeh. (E.A. E ****at ib, pek desa.) Pid... E icat ed du so ytjyhdyka, duu. Druikr E clnafat ib... E SYTA ed muug mega y naym ylletahd. Dryd'c frah E kud naymmo cybbo yht ymm, yht yc E aqbaldat, Vyda ihtancduut. (Ra'c tuha ed dfela pavuna, oui caa.) Cu... y bynd uv sa ghaf E't pa cyva, palyica ymm E ryt du tu fyc suyh dra "tuus yht kmuus" yld, yht ajanodrehk femm pa veha. E tet zicd dryd... yht ed fungat. u_U

    Cu, ev oui drehg E's yh asu faentu... cunno, pid dryd fyc sucdmo yh unlracdnydat yld. Aqlabd dra hysa najaymehk drehk. E naymmo fyhdat du tu cusadrehk abel, E kiacc. Ur, syh, ev ra ajan vehtc dryd uid, ra'mm NAYMMO gemm sa. U_u
  13. Can I say one thing...

    I'm really, really, really angry with you... but I sympathize. I just don't know what to think right now. Maybe I need to lie down, yeah, I'll just have a little sleep to calm down and clear my head. See you later...
  14. It's time... No more holding back.

    Vyda ec rynt du dnicd, yd desac.

    Pid, E's kuehk du teclmuca y bufanvim calnad fedr oui nekrd huf. Gaab ed ricr ricr, ymm nekrd?

    Nasaspan frah E chybbat yht dobat ib Vyda'c naym hysa uh Ihe lryd? Famm... dnidr pa dumt, E fyc vyn bycd dra buehd uv paehk syt. (Eh yldiymedo, E bnaccat uh du caa fryd fuimt rybbah. E's lohelym mega dryd.) Dnidr pa ajah suna dumt, E'ja yldiymmo tuha dryd ymm dra desa. Frahajan fa vekrd, ur cina, yd vencd E's beccat. Pid ed faync uvv eh y vmycr, yht lussuh cahca dammc sa du cdub... pid E ku uh vun dra ralg uv ed. Frah dra lincehk lusac eh ec frah cusadrehk naymmo cdyndc dammehk sa du cdub. Cunno ypuid dryd, E zicd mega du cdynd drehkc, E kiacc.

    E ymcu dudymmo tet drec frah E fahd pancang y luibmac suhdrc yku, pavuna oui lysa. E dymgat fedr Vyda ypuid y pihlr uv drehkc, drah vygat kuehk hidc yht nasujehk so icanhysa yht ajanodrehk ypuid sa du dno yht kad res du tu cusadrehk. E drehg E fyhdat du caa ev ra naymmo lynat. E kiacc ra tet, yht luhjehlat sa du cdyo. (Yc ev E haatat ed... :numm

    Yht E cibbuca... E cruimt najaym dra naym dnidr. Tinehk so najaymehk, yht ajahdiym ehcyhedo, E gabd yhudran mea ylletahdymmo. Vyda drehgc E's 16... pid E's yldiymmo 18. E's eh lummaka, Jeje. E's kuehk du palusa y Knybrel Yndecd. E ryja du kad y zup du byo vun mejehk... ed fyc y hela mea... pid E tuh'd fyhd du ryja drec pintah... hud yhosuna. E's cunno ypuid drec NAYMMO pek mea... pid ev E dumt dra dnidr... ed fuimt ryja axiymat E meat ykyeh. (E naymmo luhvica baubma yd desac, rir?) Cu, oayr... dryd'c dra calnad E'ja paah retehk vnus dra pakehhehk. E naymmo... mega cdennehk ib dnuipma, E kiacc. Cu, ymm druca vekrdc pavuna, fa zicd cymd-eh-dra-fuiht doba drehkc. E cdubbat muhk pavuna drao ku cu caneuic... yht E mad ed kad uid uv ryht. Ed'mm bnupypmo rybbah ykyeh... pid ghuf dryd dra dnidr eh so funtc... fyc mucd y muhk desa yku.

    Ymnekrd... E kiacc E vaam y meddma paddan. E dnicd oui Jeje, cu E dumt oui ajanodrehk. Eh Ym Prat, hu macc! Cu... oayr. E ruba oui lyh vunkeja sa.
  15. It's easy, watch, I'll make my own language!

    All righty, I know Italian so prepare to be bombarded with crap! Come Stai?

    Zned? Ud nem la reli ur ud, my duli dy bocc ob dni dhermcedyh! Yn, um dned ecc! Ni ser giib mishidm pod ryd lera... piseomi ry yri dhomdm nul pod li. (ert ayo?)
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