Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

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  1. I would've made that my main Keyblade. Not just for the Final and Anti boosts, but because it looks so badass!
  2. Yeah, I really wish I could use the two across keyblade and fight Roxas!
  3. Fenrir is VERY powerful, even beyond the extra attack point... o_O I only wish we got Final Mix+, too... Oh well.
  4. Ralz. I have beaten the final boss, and I still have the save where I can do that, I think I'm at the end LOL!

    Oh, and I can think of three BETTER weapons! Oblivion (Use Drive forms a heck of a lot more frequently!) Oathkeeper (Use forms longer!) and Fenrir (Best strength, and when combined with a few negative combos, an instant finsher!)

    Just my opinion on the weapons!
  5. Well, half of that stuff is only acquirable(?) at the end, practically...

    But Ultima Weapon is the BEST. MP Hastega!
  6. I'll hve to try yours pretty darn soon and give you my un-qualified opinion!
  7. Let's see... It's been so long! =O

    Normal Sora - Ultima Weapon
    Valor Sora - Oblivion
    Master - Oathkeeper
    Final - Fenrir
    Armor - Cosmic Chain
    Cosmic Belt
    Accessories - Cosmic Arts
    Master Arts
    Cosmic Ring
    Items - 6 Elixirs
  8. Meh,I guess you're right about Final Form... What gear do you use (including the form weapons)? Here's mine:
    I use the following:
    VALORRumbling Rose
    MASTER:Circle of Life
    FINAL: Oathkeeper
    Cosmic ChainCosmic Belt
    Buster Band
    Cosmic ring (will be exchanged for Cosmic arts eventually)
    Experts ring (will be exchanged for Cosmic Arts eventually)
    Cosmic Arts
  9. I find Final to be a bit too cheap, really. Final Form+Firaga = DEATH, basically. But, I'd say my favourite is Master Form. I guess I like aerial combos more.
  10. Well, I don' have a DS, but I'm hoping that 358/2 days will share the same fate as Chain of Memories!
    So, what's your favorite form? Mine is either Anti or Final.
  11. Several times. In fact, I got it the first day it came out!

    Yeah, and I'm all ready for the new one on the DS in... five days!
  12. That's a bummer!So, anyways, have you played KH2?
  13. Twice, actually. Once I lost my save after saving... -_- And another time the entire memory card got corrupt and all the data vanished. I was sad that day.
  14. *leaves a message*

    Also, cool, I guess... As for me, I've been playing a bit of KH, I m still annoyed about the first one though, I had the ultima keyblade, I could kick Sephiroths rear every time I fought him, and I was level ONE BLEEPING HUNDRED! And my save got deleted! I was like "NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

    You ever have a moment like that?
  15. Huh? Oh, he's fine!

    Oh yeah, this is a voice mail, BTW. So please leave a message after the beep.

    Yeah, never mind. I'm fine, just uploading more Dissidia vids... because I can! I've been using the villains more than the heroes because I'm evil like that!
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