Conversation Between Leon and Andromeda

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  1. It tends not to be about memory, just I have too many things going on. So things get pushed out.

    Yeah, unfortunately, in this situation surviving is the best thing one can do.
  2. I hear you. Work can be tough, though. But I managed to survive so I must be doing something right.

    In response to your blog comment, will do. Hopefully I'll remind you to post the next two episodes. Sadly, though, I don't have the best memory either Dx
  3. It is something that you get used to doing. I used to always write and watch anime. But at work, I have to be doing several things at once. Getting pulled in many different directions, means multitasking is the only way to survive.
  4. When you put it that way I understand. I usually get crushed from all the pressure when I do several things at once. >.>
  5. I pretty much live by multitasking, it is the only way I can get the volume of things I do done on a weekly basis. I feel like I'm not being efficient if I'm not multitasking sometimes.
  6. Multitasking has never been my forte, so I wouldn't know >_<

    Pretty much. The past can't be changed and the future can't be predicted, so it's all up to the present. Hopefully, things will remain as they are work-wise.
  7. Well it is very easy when they are coming out once a week and you just watch something for breakfast and dinner. You'd be amazed how much you can watch just multi-tasking while you eat. >.>

    And yes I am. Hopefully, the only time, but I never know.
  8. Ah so the anime remains. I'd probably stay tuned for Inuyasha, mostly. And yeah, too much. I can't even focus on one anime series o.o'

    A chapter in your life that you're glad it's over with, I bet.
  9. Yeah, it's change a lot. But Adult Swim/Toonami still got anime so I'll keep watching. Besides, I like Bleach and they have FMA, Samurai 7, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, GITS, Durarara, Deadman Wonderland and others. Most of my anime viewing is on Crunchyroll these days or Funimation's youtube channel. I was watching like 14 anime during the summer season. >< Too much.

    Yeah, unemployment was the only thing that saved me.
  10. Even if I had CN I wouldn't watch it anymore. So much has changed since I lost my cable so I'll just stick with games and anime as source of entertainment. Recently I had a friend download FFVIII and I'm hooked. Currently on my second playthrough as I simply zipped by the storyline on my frst one. The first file doesn't have the Lionheart and I'm having trouble with Ultimecia.

    It was fortunate you got hired back. I can't even imagine a week without work.
  11. Night differential, yeah that was why it was nice working nights when I did you get a little extra. But yeah, things are pretty rough, I was out of work for a bit, but thankfully got hired back.

    Yeah, when I was younger I worked around a lot of things to Toonami and Adult Swim. Now they're the same thing, literally, so it's a little weird.
  12. I need to work this shift mostly because of the $1 raise. And it is more peaceful than day time. I work at Wal-Mart after all. The less amount of hell I go through there, the better. My mom and my sister are currently out of work so we're all living together.

    I remember Toonami.
  13. Yeah, I think I remember reading about that on TV Tropes I think about his character. It sounds familiar at least.

    I remember having to work the night shift, though I sleep in the morning and was awake during the afternoon, but that was because I wanted to see Toonami. >.>;
  14. Andromeda is a actually a good fighter. It is only in the filler and movies where he seems weak. In any case, he does seem to be a sensitive boy but he's actually the kind of guy who could kill his enemy if he went all out. That's why he usually holds back in battle.

    And I shall. On work days I usually stay up after my shift til noon, then I get up and get ready for work. So I'm active on mornings and on my nights off I'm active during the night.
  15. Ah Andromeda, comes back to that. ;p

    Fortunately, I'm only working 40 hours right now. So I have a good amount of free time. Though catch me during crunch and it is more difficult. But yeah, I'm always around in some form on the forums. So you can always drop me a message. If you get me during the evenings or weekends I'll actually be able to respond in a timely manner.
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