Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Alther Primus

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  1. It's like the EVIL King Arthur, Are you American btw?
    (The demon realm won't except me, they say they don't take lifeless souls made from mist... I am a lifeless puppet!) *Cries*
  2. Hehehehehe!
    (No, I learned mine through ancient rituals from the demon realm!)
  3. I now know you age... Who knew my king was a 13 year old, I'm 14!
    (I know, don't worry about it, we both must of had the awesome teacher! )
  4. Yeah?
    (also I made thet reflect ring myself!)
  5. Hey my king!
  6. Pretty much nothing except talking to you... ( Talking to you... I'd rather stick a whisker into my ear and put it on turbo, while putting my face into a blender. )
  7. meh, not much, you? (I'm going to enjoy dining on your flesh!)
  8. So what are you up to? (The Chain of the Chainsaw goes round and round, round and round, round and round, the Chain on the Chainsaw goes round and round, through Rebellion's spine!)
  9. Glad you like it! (Your screams of pain as I torture your soul will be music to my ears!)
  10. Brilliant! (The sound of you neck snapping in multiple place while you bleed internally will be the ode to joy to my ears, or at least the overture.)
  11. Yep... (I'll have you choke on your own demise!) Fantastic!
  12. Yeah, this is great... (When the time comes I will poison you, and ensure your death is as painful as a impale through the spine.)
  13. All's well that ends well! (Hope you ejoy having your soul ripped out)
  14. Just backing my friend I guess...
    Oh well, all sorted. I do love happy endings... (Burn to shreds in the fiery abyss and smoulder in the pits of Hell!)
  15. No worries!
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