Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Alther Primus

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  1. Yeah! I just really got back on, so I'm updating myself!
  2. You alright?
  3. I will, I had to go to bed last night, when you finished talking to me, it was 3 am here...
  4. Feel free to PM me any questions you might have!
  5. Sure! Sounds great!
  6. Well, looks like we got something in common! I've actually got a concept! If you want to talk about we can PM eachother about it!
  7. Yes, actually I'd love to get in game design when I'm older!
  8. Hey VVM! I just heard you wanted to get into game design? is that true?
  9. I just put the words for Holy in the Schoolroom.
  10. (I have mind reading power that even I don't know about.... ) Okay for the truth, I know your a fan of FF7 for one and were watch ACC, I also know that her is referred to during the movie, by the name Her. ( I think)
  11. Hey! VVM? I forgot to ask, how did you guess that when I said "her..." you guessed Aerith (you were correct of course, but still, evn so, how did you know?)
  12. Cool! (Cool!)
  13. Neat! A brit eh?
    (meet me in my library)
  14. Cool, I'm English. ( I would appreciate that thanks! I'm a puppet so I probably can learn many rituals!)
  15. Yeah! I'm American!
    (also, sorry to hear that, but I can teach you some rituals!)
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