Conversation Between Raider and Unknown Entity

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  1. really really well

    it was very hot tho, i had to swap with someone at my post cause he though i might pas out of het exhaustion, lol. But teh guy who owns teh venue taught me how to use teh air con now


    how was your day

    and what do you think of my new sig and avvy?
  2. I'm back! How did it go today?
  3. ok bai
  4. ha, when i get on my home pc :S

    anyways, i gtg cos i'm sleepy... have fun tomorrow, and speak to ya another day!
  5. lol

    i'm just finishing my new sig and avvy tehn u can see it =D
  6. Erm... Getting the bus to the shopping center, getting my Heath Ledger as the joker poster and walking back down the canal if the weather is nice. If its REALLY nice, i'll walk there and back. Depends on the weather lol.
  7. oh i will do

    u doin anything interestin
  8. You're bouncer lol? COOL!

    You get to look tough in front of a door... lol, I hope you have fun!
  9. i'm helping out at teh dance festival
    and before you think no its not parades
    were in a theatre and tehre is a huge ballet competition and i must guuard teh dor
  10. Eastbourn. Its a beach not THAT far from Brighton, but not as fancy lol.

    Whats a happening tomorrow? Anything fun?
  11. where did ya go?

    p.s. wont be on a lot 2moro
  12. I had to get up at 7am this morning lol. THEN had a 3-4 hour couch drive. THEN regretted wearing black cos it was sooo hot. THEN... meh...
  13. pah i'm up till 1AM


    nah i will go soon to

    night =D
  14. Wow lol! I'd love to make web-sites and stuff! I get to do it next year if I get in college! YAY!

    Anyways, I gtg - gotta be up early tomorrow...
  15. yeha i am my dad builds them and has his own business of making websites

    Here are few he's done

    Benton Fine Art
    Holly House

    that last one isn't finished, i helping make teh logo right now
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