Conversation Between Dodie16 and SuperSabin

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  1. same here, this is getting ridiculous. do you have any tips for situations like these?
  2. No. Can't say that I've had that happen to me. Hope everything gets better for you though.
  3. hello, hows it going today? i couldn't sleep well last night, i had that sleep paranoia thing going on and it wasn't from the soda this time. do you ever get paranoid in the night and can't sleep?
  4. oh ok, i kinda feel bad for leaving you in the dust in that playthrough, but i'm willing to give you any help or tips in that game to make up for it.
    EDIT: Meant to put this in if its alright with you. This is one of the secret levels if you did the collect all gold card thingamajig I hated this stage the most out of all the levels in Bomberman 64
  5. I can't right now. I'm about to catch up on a show I've been watching, and I still have some Bomberman 64 to do. Maybe some other time.
  6. Hey, would you like to play a game or something tonight? if you don't want to, its cool. I just need something to do right now.
  7. i usually edit the first level to be hard on purpose mwahahahaha!. its full of big holes endless bullet bills and fire. sometimes i game over during my testing of the stage. pretty sad when i suck at my own stage huh? lol so how did you like my hard work?
  8. Wow.. That stage looks hard. You're right, I probably wouldn't last long if I tried to play it. xD
  9. Hey, would you like to see screenshots of my mario level hack? I uploaded them to the stuff album. I don't think you'll want to play my hack
  10. my first laptop had a horrible death. it got to a stage where we didn't know if either the ac charger was broken or the ac socket on the laptop broke and the fan died long ago so we had to get a cooling fan for it.
  11. No, I haven't, but I hear it's really good. My first charger was struck by an electrical surge when there was a thunderstorm and wouldn't work anymore after that, and the next one, the copper wires became exposed and started fraying, and then they finally just completely disconnected.
  12. Its alright. How come your chargers keep on dying? I saw Toy Story 3 today, just got back from it and gosh the ending took a toll on me. Seen it yet?
  13. Congrats on beating the game, and sorry for not responding sooner. I was running on low battery power, and had to buy another charger for my computer. I got one now, so everything's good...for now. Seriously, this is my third charger, and this one cost me a pretty penny... Money I really shouldn't be spending right now.
  14. well, i'm going to be going now, hope you have a good night. I leave you with a picture of pommy the mimic

  15. I haven't really had anything going on for this weekend, but i filled it with stuff i usually enjoy doing and on top of that i watched a tv show i all but forgot about. I also made my final edit in the lp thread haha. You're going to be amazed at what you'll read on there.

    EDIT: Well anyway, the tv show i got reacquainted with is Kenan and Kel. Ever watched that one?
Showing Visitor Messages 751 to 765 of 1713
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