Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Alther Primus

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  1. I have used Planet Renders before!
    It's a good site but if I can't find the picture I was looking for, I normally search it in google.
  2. Well then! Here are my top two sites:
    VGboxart Forims/resources
    And, well? It's true! I'm not THAT great! (Although, I'm not bad at making backgrounds!)
    Armageddon, Reporting for duty!
  3. We seem to be getting into several businesses together, but of course I would! What are Banner Artist United Buddy's for?
    I liked that I'm not VMM joke by the way! I'm blushing!
  4. Hey, maybe we could go into Sig biz together? I know some GREAT resource sites and, I'm no VVM (You!) I'm not exactly a piece of junk either. What do you think?
  5. I don't really want anything, but thank you anyway.
    I was just messing on Photoshop and made them, I don't think I'm any Unknown Entity, Mistress Sheena or Violet. But I try, so thanks!
  6. Thanks for the sig! It's fantastic!
    Anything I can do in return? (I'm saving my gil for a gun so, no on the gil, but even so, I think I should do something for you in exchange.)
  7. Thanks for the comment! Here's your sig!
  8. It's been sent!
  9. Okay then.
  10. Blech, sorry. Anyways, I'm getting ready to PM you about the game concept, so you know.
  11. Well, my stomach is killing me and I have (I don't mean to be graphic but) Diarrhea. It's horrible.
  12. That we do! Anyways, other than the poison, how do you feel?
  13. Unfortuanatly no, I don't know the cause.
    How have you been, I see your a Sig maker too! We have many many things in common!
  14. I'm sorry. That's never happened to me. (Was it my fleshburgers? )
  15. Haha, I have food poisoning so...
Showing Visitor Messages 736 to 750 of 799
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