I DON'T GET WHAT'S FUNNY TO YOU! Argg! You take advantage of everything and especially my patience. I've just noticed something hilarious! You're arguing with a 14 year old.
I love your anger. It really is providing nothing to the situation, but... I love it!
Another word of advice for you. STFU.
Word of advice. ... = I give up.
No, you just didn't deserve a proper reply.
Finally got ya, huh? I knew it.
... ...
Oh, you two are no accomplishment... ...you're a world record.
Hmm... You think losing your friends is an accomplishment? You really are a ****.
That's a lie right now. No, because I've still got a lot of things to accomplish here.
Because... I don't lie. Hmph, can't you leave.
Then why the hell did you offer it to me? You lie again... but then again, you can thank me for that. Lied again. I'm good at this.
Oh, don't lie. You didn't deserve our forgiveness or trust in the first place. It's NOT A SINGLE LIE! Great, you going? Good.
Oh, whatever. I was going to apologize in a Usernote, then I read this. Forget it, you people don't deserve it. I've done no wrong other than that single lie... and you all overreact... AS USUAL. So screw you, screw Fate, screw TFF, SCREW IT ALL. RUYHK can bicker all he wants, you too. I'm finished. Later, weaklings.
Wow, I'm going to believe this and not take it as sarcasm in the slightest. You think I can't ignore you? May I remind you of my "friend" Daniel which I ignored for 3 months.