What's up Ralryx?
Thanks a bunch, DVC!
What? Here, I'll give you the alternate BBCode, [Fimg]http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/781/rhfjdjejdz.png[/img] Simply copy,paste, and remove the F in [img], and it should work!
One problem, I can't seem to insert it without first deleting my current sig pic...
I made it for you you know! I thought you deserved it, and it was also for kicks!
When did I achieve that?
Just threw totogether a little something for you!
Got it!
Hey! 'sup? Also, your turn again!
Done and done.
Just so you know, it's your turn in the RP.
I could just call the guys at evilBay...
Just so you know, I'm simply messing with you in the group! And I inserted a sample of the thoughts! Pulling your guts out though your mouth! I'm just messing around with you! Next post I'll have my slaves start digging, but I couldn't resist!
In case you want a quick link, it's right here.
Oh, hope I can be of service.