Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

813 Visitor Messages

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  1. So, in short, the only person who missed me was you, just because of story plotting? o_o
  2. It made people miss you because, to be honest, without you, I wouldn't have a comic relief character.
  3. Well.... Can you at least try to explain....? I don't see how a little moogle going missing for about 4 days can make people sad.
  4. Yesp.
  5. "Hard to explain"....?
  6. Hard to explain...
  7. Really? I can barely tell. >w>
  8. You WERE missed, ya know...
  9. .........Oooooh, I'm back from the deeeaad.
  10. What? I didn't explode THAT much, did I?
  11. Pull yourself together, I was only gone for a few days.... >__>
  12. Oh noes! Meigumi, did you disappear, too!?

  13. *lightbulb burns pom-pom* D:
  14. *runs left, and the light bulb breaks on the floor!*
  15. ... *lightbulb hangs over head*
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