It does seem rather quiet, but I know why.
Don't worry about it! ^^
I see.
Bascially, there's this situation where Fate and Vivi are up my throat, and they annoyed me, and I left for a day, but then I said "SCREW YOU!!!!" and came back, and when I left, I got rid of everything and didn't want to come bacl. When I "SCREW YOU!!!!"'d Fate and Vivi, I came back here, and Chaosthroph is an invite-group. So... thanks for that. Long story short, anyway.
Im a good listener... What's the matter? Also...... Nevermind...
Long story short, I left because of... something. But I did not really want to leave. Thanks for the re-invite! I won't leave again! ^^
Wait just a minute? O_o Something really wrong is happening... im not angry at you... AT ALL! And yes... I'll send you an invite again... Which is wierd because i did not kick you. O_o
Alther's gonna do it quick, right? I'd like to see me... Yeah, this group is slow again.
I made myself useful... XD
...>_> (Sorry about the game, Elyon, but I can't get it to work... no matter what I do, nothing seems to work...)
Hope you like the game, I have puted in a new download 100% sure of having all the sounds i use, The 5 Testing game will take place as "The Upgraded Beta V1" in some days. Until then... Have fun finding the SECRET weapon in the game!
The Upgraded Alpha with the sound is now done!
Man, you're in for a surprise when you see the group! xD
Isn't it? And I would've been such a good third, too!