Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. Blah.

    Wanna chat since we can?
  2. Not where I live, it isn't.
  3. Rather the evening.
  4. But it's afternoon.
  5. What about a good morning? ;P
  6. Have a good night.
  7. Numbers is evilz. ;P

    Same thing... -_- Oh well. The Sandman came to visit. Night.
  8. Because they is numbers. =P

    LE, just mini-games and stuff. =]
  9. 358/2 DAYS!!!!! (Why can't numbers be capitalized!)

    I don't know. I'm no good with SO stuff... Why not ask Vivi? He might have SOMETHING...
  10. Uh, no. *destroys list* ETERNAL SONATA!

    Neh, I don't like suffering people. =P And not like I can. Suggestions for the Light Entertainment section, though?
  11. *changes the list*
    1- 358/2 Days
    2 - Eternal Sonata
    (Much better. )

    Haha, but I know you like to make me suffer. You know I hate when you get a boost in power over me. But it won't work this time. Go on. Be a big, fancy mod. I guarantee it'll all come back sooner or later.
  12. Eternal Sonata is at the very top. =]

    I never implied. But yeah, it does. Except that there isn't a lot to moderate currently. I hope I'll manage, though. <<
  13. But let's scootch 358/2 Days near the top, eh?

    Actually, no. I'm not jealous in the least. Being a mod gives you too much responsibility, and we both know I'm horribly irresponsible! >.<
  14. I have a lot on my list. Oo

    If I'm not hallucinating with the red name. <<
  15. Well, consider it, at least.

    Wait, what? You made mod AGAIN!?
Showing Visitor Messages 736 to 750 of 4705
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