Conversation Between LocoColt04 and OceanEyes28

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. You all right?
  2. Hi, I'm an older guy.
  3. Roar!
  4. Rawr?
  5. I don't remember at this point. It's possible?

    Anyway! Yay! Bikini season!
  6. OH SNAPS.

    Like I said before, it's bikini season. Did I say that before?

    ...I said it to someone... hmm.
  7. Why thank you, favorite Cesar. If you thought that one was cute, wait until I come back from the beach.

  8. In response to that last message of yours that I neglected:

    My comments often are. AND ALSO, I hope something amazing and unexpected happens to you within the next few days. You deserve it.
  9. In other news, Jamba Juice? Clever comment.
  10. I wish I was kidding. Then we could laugh it off as though nothing ever happened.

    How do you do it? Every time I'm like, "Well, that's about it, I think. That's pretty unlucky," you top it. I don't even... wow.

    Seriously, though, I hope that stuff gets cleared up because parasites are the freakiest shit eeever. And in your eye too?! ****.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 71 of 71
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