Conversation Between seanb and Firefly

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well,since I live in the South, I went swimming in the creek again for about 5 hours. It was all good until an effin snake started swimming next to me ( I am TERRIFIED of snakes..) and I was screaming and running away for dear life xD

  2. Going good.. it was very warm eirlier, too warm, the air was really dead, no cool breezes, but its cooled down now,, got my laptop back, it needed a new screen.. my dad borrowed it one night, and stood on it ... i found it funny suprisingly.. just had dinner, ...might do more work on a bookshelf ive been building...
    How are you getting on? _
  3. Lol,an even better reason to get one's your day going? :]
  4. I like it cos i go round wearing it and nobody has a clue what its about!
  5. xD! I actually want one now,even though I have only watched that one..IAF :3
  6. I even have an IAF t-shirt ! that sad?
  7. Lol,that he is. If my internet ever stops lagging so much,I'll probably watch the rest of the I AM FIGHTER videos
  8. good to hear that's right, barry the blender henderson lol
    Hes not very well known but hes funny as hell !
  9. Yeah, I cracked up through the entire thing. I love his accent,though. Its Barry 'The Blender' Henderson,right? xD
  10. hahaha lol!
    yea its a weird one, but hilarious... hahah love it
  11. OMG LOL!! I got to the part where he was peeing..and I was like," WTF AM I WATCHING?" xD but I will continue to watch when the darn thing loads completely >.<
  12. Oh lol,nah I aint disappointed. I was just wondering hehe. Who is it,then? hehe
  13. Dissapointed??
    I'm not bald yet, though I'm pretty sure I have the bald gene. And I'm a lot smaller than the gentleman in my pic.
  14. ikr = I know right :]

    And oh..
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