I'm being rapper Vivi at the moment! xD This isn't Alther?! Where did you take him and what have you done to him, imposter!?
G? BTW, I'm giving out hugs! Do you want one?
Nothing, G.
*Absorbs the lifestream* I know! I replied to your post BTW, and remember, you can request fake screenies!
RARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RALZ! *destroys the world* Oh, and you're right, VG cats is awesome! xD
Yah, I requested some Seph vids OK!
ZOMG! Okie dokies!
COOL! Now Ralz just neds to upload the vids I requested and he'll be done with sephy! Clickie the link in my sig to go to my thread for it!
Yeah, I'm back! xD Oh, please!
Hey! you're back! Heheh, I created some fake screens if you wanna see
Wanna set up a CoD match?
'Sup VMM?
Not much...
Nothing! How about you, mate?