Conversation Between LIGHTNING_71013 and Ethan Blitzball King

108 Visitor Messages

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  1. i guess its ok if you cant make the zack poster. if i want anything from ethan original then i'll let you know. ok? but thx anyway.
  2. I am sorry but its not gonna be an Ethan original
  3. thats fine with me.
  4. I got it and I will work on it later
  5. the picture is in your private messages.
  6. So bring the picture and I will work on your new autograph
  7. oh no problem thx for making it for me.
  8. I can do em all but I will need a picture of Zack
  9. so this time can you make me something in ff7? a poster of zack fair wtth his signature, or you only do FF10? its totally ok...
  10. Ok what else do you want me to make I have time
  11. Uhhh no I think I can manage another one you will have to wait though I have another one I am working on
  12. hi. so if you make me another one would it be too much work for you?
  13. Heh np I would make you another one if you want
  14. thanks for the autograph again.
  15. Its in my album called Autographed Blitball
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 75 of 108
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