Conversation Between Diyala and Zargabaath

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  1. I haven't visited the dentist in quite a while. I don't eat that many sweets and I brush daily so I feel that my teeth are ok. I like candy, especially certain types, but I don't indulge myself all too often. It allows me to keep my figure or so my grandmother says.

    How big was your celebration? Were you at your house or did you go to a relatives? How was the food?

    Do you have a book in mind to read when you start school?
  2. Speaking of books , I agree with you when it takes a while to start enjoying the chapters , but sometimes I have to push myself until the storyline is becoming exciting . I read nothing but the Holy Qura'an last month , perhaps I'll start over with school ^^
  3. Not much , I visit the dentist these days and I don't enjoy eating chocolate like others.
    we enjoyed the celebration of Eid Al fitr but then the pain in my teeth ruined everything .
  4. I have been pretty good. I will be visiting some family this weekend.

    On being a bookworm, I finished a book a few days ago and got the sequel in the mail today. It took me a while to get into the tale but, after this one part in the beginning the book picked up.

    How have you been?
  5. Haven't heard from you in a while? how are you and how is life doing with you bookworm
  6. Well , I believe that there are twons and villages in my country that I never heard of so I don't blame you .But I did read something about this twon and it was like cursed or something that it became hard to live in . I don't believe in a curse but I do believe in the existence of invisible folks (jinn) which probably are haunting that place .Things like these happen specially when the place is abandoned long ago.
  7. There may be an actual town called Silent Hill but I don't think it has any connection to the game series. The town of Centralia was some inspiration for the town of Silent Hill in the movie. That's all I've got.
  8. I am perfectly astonished!
    is it real that you have a town called Silent Hill in America ?
    so the game wasn't just a game, can you talk about it , is it really as ambiguous and abandoned as we saw in the game . As I saw the map ,the location can really speak itself as being in the most north-eastern state in the US .
    I'm freaked out and really amazed at once !
  9. That's good coz a normal person wouldn't accept to live like them
    Green lantern ....imm I like the name but I don't think I would watch it , so that's good you got lots of fun by going to the theaters . Unlike me I only download which is the perfect why in my opinion .
    I thought you watched the show so I wanted an American point of view about the drama .
  10. Regarding movies, I recently went to the theater to see The Hangover Part II & X-Men: First Class. Later this week I will be going to the theaters again with my friends to see The Green Lantern.

    I've heard of Gossip Girl but I have never watched an episode as it does not appeal to me. I'm sure they did some pretty stupid stuff in the show.

    And how do I see what?
  11. No I wasn't .
    What movies are you watching currently?
    I watched a show called gossip girl , have you ever heard of it ? I bet you don't like it
    I did hate the way they live but for the purpose of studying their lang I watched 2 seasons and I couldn't complete the third
    how do you see it ?
  12. Were you able to see your scores for the test?
  13. Yes there was but some people who were having a magical wand which we lack could get admitted . the test was too easy that's why I'm surprised
  14. Work is alright and school has been pretty good so far. I have a couple of really good teachers that make their classes interesting.

    A vacation sounds nice. I may be taking one this summer as well. I may go to Florida and/or New York to visit family & friends.

    Was their a test to get into the university?
  15. Hello zargabaath , how are you ?
    For me I didn't get admitted in the university and my family is upset with me and a little sorry for me , besides I'm not totally sad about it coz there is a bit of relief in it as If it's fated to be so . anyway I'm doing some self teaching and currently reading the well known Twilight novel , soon it will be my little sister's graduation (I donno what to present )

    then we're gonna all travel and spend the summer in our home land (The one I love the most ) at least I can there rest and put everything behind my back , ah my older sis bought me the final fantasy XIII and since everybody liked it I'm dying to play it now .What about yourself and work?
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