Conversation Between GypsyElder and Dimi

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. Really! Happy late birthday (!!!)
    It's better that any of the other crap forums I have been a part of. Everyone is more talkative here and there are many more activities. People say it's dead, but some of the forums I've been to have like 2 posts a day and like one member on every hour.
  2. My fishbowl was once flooded in lots of alcohol. It was a bad combination though. My fishbowl has been heavily polluted for a while now but it's getting cleaner day by the day!

    On a serious note, I don't believe we talked before until now. It's pretty awesome how you joined a day after my birthday. Do you like TFF so far?
  3. "then this Fish just rolled over in the fishbowl flooded with shit. Green shit." I was laughing at this for like an hour.
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