Conversation Between Fate and Ethan Blitzball King

184 Visitor Messages

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  1. Is it pwerrfect???????
  2. There we go. =D
  3. For some reason it won't let me type it so I am trying to copy it on
  4. What link? No, I meant how in the image I just gave you, there are five different lines, right? The first line is the link to the image. The second is the code, et cetera.

    Actually, do you see the last line in the picture? Type what's there exactly and put it in your signature.
  5. It isn't workin I am trying to click the link
  6. Here, I'll try to be as clear as possible. =)

    The top is the link.
    The second is the Code.
    The third is what you should have.
    The fourth is the Center Code.
    The fifth is what you should have if you want both the image and for it to be centered.
  7. Yes I can't get it to change I feel stupid
  8. Do you need help with the image, still~? =)
  9. Sorry Fate that is the best I can do
  10. [IMG ][/ IMG]

    Get the rid of the spacing in the brackets.
  11. I don't know I took the one in your photoshop
  12. How come it's not transparent? =3
  13. Yeah Thanks I now have it as my new signature
  14. And I'm done with your banner. It's in my thread.
  15. Sounds Great Fate I am looking forward to seeing it
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 75 of 184
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