8AM class. Bluh. I am so not up for it today, but I can't quite justify staying in because I missed a class yesterday to see a doctor.
Damn someone is up early. (Besides myself)
Would you be so kind as to close the 2009 TFF member elimination thread. Thanks in advance.
Well I can't argue with you there, Rach says that my back is one of the sexiest things about me hahah and I have to say thanks heh. After this many years the forum still hasn't earned it? I am thinking this will be a never happening thing then haha.
Hahaha hey, man, it's not that you haven't always been a good lookin guy, I just have a thing for nice shoulders. I needed to give you/them props. As for MY backside... well... maybe one day. When this forum earns it.
Hell yeah, specially if you posted a pick of your back side... I jest. I did find it halarious that out of all the pics I have ever posted of myself, the one of me from the back is the one you chose to say that to haha.
Hahaha. You are welcome. I know you'd do the same ego boosting for me. Now that's friendship.
LMAO there is no reason to hype you up. Your exuberance procedes you. I figured you would that is why I chose you and him to pair. ((god it almost sounds like I am talking about picking for breeding with that comment haha))
Man, when you recommended everyone else as adopters, you said something nice. Oh, that person can get along with anyone. Oh, that person is so great. But with me, noooooo. "You know how to type, so I'm pairing you with OceanEyes." God, Meier. That said, I think I will like my adoptee.
Haha weird. Well, glad it's all straightened out. It was a real scooby doo mystery there for a second.
I didn't. Not sure what happened. Unless my mobile glitched some how, I havent been on TFF today besides on my mobile. I will open it back up.
I can't figure out why you closed Sarin's new member thread. Enlighten me?
Haha, never said I didn't. Just saying that a 27 year old is not going to recommend for a 12 year old to go do that. haha.
Yeah, you'll definitely save by just drinking water. Both at home and at restaurants. And when you finally get away from smoking and any aids to help you quit, you will save truckloads. Your kids will thank you when they don't have to worry so much about your health later in life. It definitely means a lot to me to see my dad taking care of himself. I know he can't live forever, but I want him to be healthy and in my life for as long as possible. So yeah. Your boys will appreciate it.
Yeah I have grown tired of chimicle dependancy Caffine Nicotine Alcohol (not giving that intierly up though hahaa) Figred I am at a turning point in my life where I need to start taking better care of myself. I figured pop was the first best thing to go seeing I spend way to much money on it and the fact I really don't eat sweets.