You look like him, sit kind of like him, and have a lot of brain, so you can go and cosplay as him! =D
I sit partially like that. =D One of my foot I sit on, but the other is up like his.
He sits like this usually: Imageshack - vlcsnap6947fo7 And here's a person sitting like he always does with the thumb bite added: L sitting death note image by moonthrust on Photobucket
Let's see. I sit on my left foot with my right leg up so that my right foot is on the chair. =P Is there a picture? I never knew biting your thumb makes you think more efficiently... =D
Do you sit in a chair and cross your legs Indian style too? I can't just sit there with my legs on the ground like everyone else. I either cross my legs, or sit Indian style like I would on the ground (like what I'm doing now in the computer chair! =D) L sits with his knees tucked up to his chest and then bites the tip of his thumb when he's thinking. According to him, that position makes his brain processes more efficient. XD
So I'm cuddly like a panda? =D Maybe. = Erm... I sit wit my feet on the chair or anything else that isn't the floor. =D
I wouldn't know, because I've never seen your face or how you sit, but you kind of act like the cartoon panda bear that's dancing in my head right now. XD
Do I compare with a panda bear as well? =D
Although it was a bit surprising to some of the people who found out, I am indeed an Asian. Vietnamese to be exact, but I'm so white-washed that I barely speak it anymore. All I do is sit there and understand what people are saying about me. XD Yesh, a panda bear. Just wait until you see his face and how he eats. X3 It's one of the most adorable things in the world!
Wait, you're also an Asian!? No, I don't live in California, though. A bit to the east: Colorado. A panda bear? =D
O_O You're Asian too?!? The heck? Which state do you live in? If you're live in California too, I'm going to start freaking out. XD He's the most awesome character in Death Note because he looks kind of like a panda with really awesome hair!
Well, I'm Asian, but I do live in the U.S. =D Actually, I am kind of interested in who this L character is I look so similar to. =P
*blinks* You're an American brat too? XD I thought there were so few of us hanging around this place, but I guess I was wrong again. =P Yay! But you don't have to read all of it if you don't like it. I listened to that half hour of music because I was slightly interested in hearing it and you're willing to kill Cloud for me. =P
Well, I'm glad it happened, though. I get along better with the kids a bit younger than me more. And I live in the U.S., too. =D All right, I'll read it. But only because you listened to a half hour of the Four Seasons for me. =]
You're thirteen now, so it's about right that you're in eighth grade. I forgot which country you're in, so I don't know if you're supposed to be ahead of the US system by a year too... You've never seen Death Note? NUUUUUUU. That's it, I'm going to have to educate you on one of the most famous mangas/animes of all time. Death Note Manga - Read Death Note manga scans online. Go and read it if you've got the time, because it really is an awesome series....up to around volume seven that is. You'll find out what happens there if you read it. ^^