Conversation Between Yesha and Asectic

65 Visitor Messages

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  1. o.O Really? Heck, I only watched a couple of episodes so what do I know? I wish I could've continued but I didnt have time. It looks entirely different.
    Anyways, it's still amazing. It's all so colourful.
  2. My avi..? No.. I didn't edit it.. I just found it.. it's Miaka and Tamahome from Fushigi Yugi (Curious pLay) anime! I reaLLy Like that show!
  3. o.O Yeah I guess. Hmm... I'm guessing u've been here a longer time than me...
    Huh? Nice avi. Did you edit it urself or found it? I have a tendancy to want those kind of pics because they look so great. It would be amazing if some1 actually made those...
  4. No it's o.k.. Yeah.. it's my name.. it's not that a popuLar name so.. wat a coincidence that ur friend's name is same as mine..
  5. Your name's Ayesa? I had a friend who's called simliar to that.
    Oh yeah, hi and sry to suddenly intrude.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 65 of 65
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