Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

2228 Visitor Messages

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  1. Quoted from a friend:

    And Kyle,
    one thing you may find out,
    is that sometimes people lie because they think it may make people like them more.

    But you're a special case, either way. I can't forgive you.
  2. I'm taking it as a yes.
  3. That didn't answer that question unless the silence means you are.

    So obvious.
  4. You a virgin?

    Yeah, I went there, beeyatch.
  5. It's funny to see that I'm the mature person.

  6. Behold my army of Lolz.
  7. Stop laughing!


  8. I win! I win! I win!
  9. Arg...

    Bullshit. You're breaking down.

  10. And I'm winning, too!
Showing Visitor Messages 721 to 735 of 2228
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