Haha. So, how was your new year's?
I hope not. xD
Haha, I'm not THAT destructive.
They're just ideas. Don't start a crack-sidequest.... At least, try not to.
Cactuar... *gets ideas*
Stupid? Pffft! Well, I was thinking maybe a demon humanoid or a Cactuar wouldn't hurt.... Just thinking.
Why do you wanna change, anyway? I've been my same old stupid, but fun self this whole time. I don't need to change, besides, what were you looking to become?
Hmm, still tempting. Might stay as a Moogle for who knows how long.
But Moogles are beloved!
I feel like playing role of something else besides a moogle now. ovo And, what new thread?
Well, I could use you for now, anyway. Could you vote in the new thread? Alther alone won't be very interesting.
Maybe, just maybe.
Haha, maybe.
Well, when you put it that way, it makes it sound like you wanted to be gone...