Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

1276 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes, yes.

    I just founded an better body anyway.

    That is why i changed avie to.

    Go ahead, Take Dimitri's body away.

    I founded an way better anyway. HELL YEAH!
  2. Mind if I use your old Avvy later? You know the one.
  3. Hey buddy.

    I need an new title screen for my Beta Testing.

    The pics i leaved to you either below or at an other page is what i want you to darkend.

    Next. I would want an title saying with neat font ''The Sacred Sword''.
    Other than that, I want an sword pic to be in title to.

    Make sure that the background will be black since i have transparent ability for the RMVX program.

    Hope to see them soon!

    - Satan Altelias, God of Chaosthroph.
  4. Quite alright.

    I just need some things for the project.

    The two pics below is what i want darkend. It's for the title.

    And i want my sprites! xD
  5. How're you today Satan?
  6. Your turn!
  7. Hey buddy, I need some of your help on making an awesome title screen.

    I would like you to darken this pictures and then post then to me.
    I appreciate if you could do that.

  8. Three people has joined the 6th chronicle,

    Satan Altelias
    And Raltzer.

    The chronicle is ready to rumble!
  9. Sorry... I think you would survive without me! You'll be in charge of the next Chronical if you want! (Even though I'm a Loremaster.)
  10. I meant... God... It's almost only you that ends the chronicles...

    What would we do if you are gone?
  11. LOL! What's the problem?
  12. God...
  13. EGAD! OHS NOES! EEEEEEEEKKKK!!!! The new Chronicle is casting, and I'm not in it!
  14. You like Super Mario Bros?

    I found this wierd but funny video about Luigi!

    YouTube - Luigi in 60 seconds
  15. Your turn!
Showing Visitor Messages 691 to 705 of 1276
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