Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. I actually meant that RhapsoBlarg is an comical character that comes up during random spots, As well being a party member, So no... He's not temporary.
  2. Oh... Whoops.

    Sprite... design...? o____O

    I.... I.... *is lost on words*
  3. Unknown... if only you posted more.

    I'm glad we're limiting. There's no way I could've possibly come up with so many storylines, and diverseties for each character. What's that leave us with... 7? 8 if Ryu ever comes back... >_> (I'm seriously ready to give up on him.) And 9 with story Krystal. (Yeah, gotta kill her, unfortunately. I suggest four-team parties, and having 8 members lets us have two teams, basically. I can also see us doing split party dungeons...

    I'm getting off track.

    A Guest character he is, then. (I assume he's temporary?)

    I'm messing up my own thoughts. Maybe Krystal can live now, after all!
  4. Oh that.

    Well, RhapsoBlarg wanted to help us sprite so i have templates ready for the wanting-to-help people in my Album called "All about my gaming" sort of called that...

    Your mission is to make him sprite specific sprites, Such as maybe you, Meigumi, or others... Maybe enemies... Such as Gjar... or others...

    Thought you might wanna lead him.
  5. Let's just say he is an random guest.

    I will not take in anymore members, And kick the other ones, Such as Xanatos and *Unknownangel*, Everyone that is completely unactive.
  6. I don't know anything about sprite templates and such. o_______o
  7. Wut?
  8. Uh... I will?
  9. Done once again!
  10. Finished.
  11. Done.
  12. Done again.
  13. Hi there! I have now answered you.
  14. I just asked the most cruel thing ever in the Pointless Submission thread.
  15. Indeed. o__O
Showing Visitor Messages 691 to 705 of 959
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