Hahaha, I'm just messing around. Aww, almost everyone is. Oh, puh-lease. What's the worst that could happen? He can just ask for help, you know.
I was just defending my position, I don't mean it... O_o And I'm lazy. XD I do well on my own. You've seen what a disaster it would have been if I let Alther host this story. o_O
Points for you, though. For calling me a meanie. Even if you delete the message, I'll remember it. Yeah. The chat rooms are suited for brave people. I'm just shy. Dx Still...... Your relatives need to shine. LIKE STARS,
I don't like the sound of that. o_O Yahoo's probably better, but I'm not much for chat rooms in the first place... I was hoping for something like that.
Mayyybe. It depends, really. I don't know, really. I don't really care if it's a chat device or something, but it sure is similar to Yahoo. I almost laughed at the scene there. Orange juice could've flown out of my nose, but I finished my drink a long time ago. xD
Are you trying to throw me off? oO Wierd. Sounds like a chat device.
....Just so you know, I'm younger than you. xD I think MSN stands for "Microsoft Network". I haven't bothered using it, but I just remembered that Kilala has an account... I think.
I don't. I've never noticed it, nor have I ever used it. My confusion is justified, meanie! >: O
Google it, you moron. D:< You're old enough to know about that.
What's MSN?
Pooey. I sure wish I had MSN, so I can go talk to her now.... Hey, that's not a bad idea...
I don't know what happened either. No warning this time.
For a moment. Yeah, me too.... I miss those days....
She's back!? (ZOMG!) I miss her...
Then she appeared for a moment and went away again..... ;_;