Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Ryu hasn't being able to be active in the group, So he is now banned.
  2. That's kind of... petty. Its his own fault, but that's no reason to just up and stop posting.
  3. Probarly because i demoted him by 1 Rank down.
  4. Well, things are a little better at the group. More people are pitching in, which is nice. However, Alther's been very silent.
  5. Damn im so bored...
  6. I will try.
  7. I just watch over Chaosthroph, tending to its impending needs.

    We'll see if he can change.

    What I want is... to make Chaosthroph the best it can be. There's only one way, and I think you know what that way is. I can understand if you wish to keep Alther around. I, too, don't want him to leave.

    Its enough. The fact that someone, anyone, listened is enough.

    Do what you feel is right.
  8. You are correct... I should have been more mindful of these things, Im trying in the deepest of my heart to become an good leader of the group, You act like an Vice-President, And i like it since you are trying to help me.

    Stuff is hard now days, I am quite displeased, I will ban Ryu in 3 Days from here on, I want to feel like i give the members a fair chance, If he cannot follow, I have to ban him, One weakness gone, Ralz, You show very great promise, And you deserve better.

    Please... Tell me, What do you really want? I'll do anything in my power to fulfill your request, I... am quite displeased with Alther as well, But since he had done great activity, I cannot simply ban him, He has come to long for punishment.

    I could need some help by sending this message to my fellow members, I... am deeply moved by your honesty, And i wish i could do more, But this... Is all i can do now.

    *Ralz has recieved the Title of Vice-President of Chaosthroph.*
    *Rank Rose by 2+!*

    I must become stronger myself, But i don't want to overdo it, Thanks again for your honesty.
  9. You're currently being too kind by asking this.

    Tell me, Elyon, do you want nothing to become solved? Does this day-to-day slump bring you happiness? If not, you can change it, but you'll have to do so by force.

    Everyone is happily on their way to spamming the group and hardly posting. Its become saddening, honestly. We started as so much, and now we're reduced to this. The only way to fix this problem, is to weed out the weak and unnecessary. Let's start with Ryu.

    Ask yourself. What has Ryu done for us in the last week since he joined? Has he ever provided ideas? Has he ever even stepped up to a challenge? Has he even posted except when threatened? The answer is obvious. Ryu is unnecessary, Elyon. Unless he can change, and soon, I suggest you get rid of him. The sooner the better.

    Now let's look at Alther. One of the most important members, and he's become quite substandard. When we the last time you ever agreed with him on his ideas? And for that matter, why hasn't he really done anything for the group? We probably don't have to get rid of him, as I can see him as a useful post count, but I'd be ready, just in case. He has a nasty habit for breaking my clearly established rules, and I am not afraid to punish him should he ignore them. I'll ban him for you if it gets bad enough.

    EDIT: And as you can see, Alther is clearly unable to do what you ask of him. Is that a member you really want to keep?

    As for Meigumi and Vivi, I can't really pick on them, because I expect nothing more than daily posting from them. Arch, however, is disappointing. He tried to give it a shot, but he suddenly vanished. Perhaps we'll give him three weeks to return. If not, auto ban. RhapsoBlarg is a newbie, I can't even begin to talk about him. But his post content is displeasing, something we'll have to change if he is to survive.

    Vivi was telling me how he felt about the group and everything that's happened, and I finally see that he's right. We're not right, Elyon. Nothing is right. You keep letting things slide, and the hole we're digging is only going to get deeper.

    There are just some people, some things, and even some thoughts you just have to let go of. You can't be afraid of it.
  10. Please answer this honest.

    Am i to kind?

    Should i be harder against the members?
  11. And perhaps we could discuss more appropriate/clever names?
  12. I'd like to change some names, if possible.

    Freeze (Lv 2) ---> Deep Freeze (Lv 4)

    It just seems lazy. Just a few changes, though.
  13. The... list... of... magic... Is... Finally... Done...

    *Breaths heavily*
  14. He's a guest who we always bump into and he tags along.

    I think he's a secret character the player has the option of getting. That's perfect.
  15. ...This isn't getting any easier.
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