Hi there.
Hey, It's your turn in the Dorume Mines discussion.
Mesa back!
G2G, Later
Yeah i see, Im going to put in my true ultimate form. Hope to see the Boss Theme updated since i posted there to.
I just posted in the group!
I figured, so I guess you like it? I'm glad you like the Angelicos form! I'll try to be more active!
Actaully, It was sarcasm that i shivered, the other one is great to. But what i feel is that people stops leaving posts at the group.
Good to hear! But why did the first pic make you shiver? And what's your opinion on the Angelicos form?
Just checked them. Im always looks in the group EVERY morning and later soon.
Hey pal! New city and new forms in the group!
Hi there buddy.
You're turn! Good luck!