Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. It really sucks. =(

    That game where yoou play God and progress through the dark age to the steel age or what not. It's pretty addictive but I haven't played it in a while.

  2. That sux. :/

    What's that?

  3. She lost and I quote: "They took mine and my mother's laptop, my PS3, all my PS3 games (except BlazBlue because I assume they were too stupid to realize that it was a PS3 game just because it was in a Special Edition box...), some of our phones, my Blu-tooth headset, amongst other things..."

    I just can't get into them. The exception is Age of Empires but still, meh.

  4. What did she lose?

    Yeah, RTSs aren't my thing, either.

  5. Yeah, robbed. Thanks.

    I just didn't like anything about Final Fantasy XII. I'm sorry for not liking the guy. But, at least his voice is pretty cool. I got a little further into Reverant Wings but I stopped playing because it was Casey's.

  6. Robbed? Okay, but because you said so.

    How can you not love the ultimate-ness that is Blathier? The guy was the only thing that saved FFXII from being an absolute waste of time. Guess you wouldn't like Revenant Wings, either? Never got far in that game, myself... >_>

  7. She got robbed and couldn't come on for a while. =( But she's back now! Why don't you say hi?

    You what? Oh, I didn't really enjoy it either.

  8. What happened?

    ...I don't know you. I have A2, but I never got far, either... One day, I'll beat these games.

  9. Of course, but she was gone for a while!

    Oh, I don't like Balthier... Everyone likes the guy but I'm not into the guy myself. Yeah, the judge system sucks because I always end up breaking the rules. -_-'

  10. Oh. You good friends with him/her?

    All the tactics games follow the same basic principle. From what I've read on the Wiki, Advance introduces some judgment system that rewards or punishs you depending on what you do and how you do it. I think the original game is slightly better. You can recruit Balthier in the PSP remake!

  11. Insufficient Mage!

    Oh, right! But they're probably the same anyway. Why don't you download the VBA and get it then?

  12. (Magey?)

    Oh, the Advance game? Never played that, I'm talking about the original.

  13. (All for Magey returning!)

    Well, I found that the game was extremely slow and difficult. I'm talking about the GBA version of the game and I kept dying, trying to level up and I died again. =( Maybe, I'll try but then again, I probably won't.

  14. (You changed your avatar back!)

    In my last playthrough, I got to Chapter 3, but I got killed rather easily in the final battle of that chapter. I didn't go back to try again or even level up. I find it interesting, but I'm not really a strategy person. Even though, I did enjoy the game. Maybe I'll play it again and beat it this time.

  15. I really hate it! I don't know why... maybe it's because the gameplay is too slow.

    All righty~!
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