Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

862 Visitor Messages

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  1. Can't wait!

    Demidias? Satan DEMIDIAS AKA Satan!
  2. Yeah, I know, but certainly a boost in confidence will provide for a more epic showdown.

    What is THAT thing? o_O
  3. Honestly, that RP I started, was just for fun, and besides, it gives me a chance to grow stronger so I can solo Demidias!

  4. Oh, right! I took the Grigori idea from SO: The Last Hope
    Basically, it's a... wait... I'll tell you in a PM.
  5. Yep! Really!

    Interesting, also, Would you mind TELLING ME!?
  6. Oh.

    Really? Awesome! (BTW, did you like the twist at the end? I have a semi-idea of who our major villains are.)
  7. I think I shall let you create the next Chronicle!
  8. I think I Google or or some forums somewhere, I don't remember.
  9. Haha, anyway...

    Oh, cool! How'd you find that?
  10. Ah.

    Radio station anyway. You can stream RPG music!
  11. I noticed their designs. I saw them all over the various other forums I'm on. I'm like "who are they?" and seeing them struck me with random nostalgia.

    Ooh, a radio?
  12. WTH!? I did NOT recruit the runts, (And Nel is sexy!)

    RPG/Square Radio!
  13. The cute ones? I imagined you would.

    Oh, what's this?
  14. Fate, Cliff, Maria, Sophia, Adray (Unfortunately),Albel, Nel, Mirage.
    The ones I DIDN'T recruit are Peppita and Roger.

    Nope, they are fantastic! BTW: I forgot to send you this, it's FF RADIO!
  15. I mean entire team. Who'd you recruit?

    I thought it was funny. Those Black Mages never stop making winners, huh?
Showing Visitor Messages 646 to 660 of 862
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