Conversation Between Ralz and Ethan Blitzball King

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  1. ...
  2. Just apologize to them for making them upset and i will stay but if you can't i am outta here
  3. If I stop... just me... will you stay?
  4. Hurry up what do you want????
  5. Wait, ethan! No!
  6. I am leaving for a while I will come back when this is settled sorry Ralz
  7. There's... no... battle.

    I'm sorry, ethan, but you're wrong. I've seen it with my own eyes. I got an 11-0 against the Goers. I OWNED them, I got a great score. I did not cheat...
  8. Wrong and if I were you I wouldn't question me because I have not beaten 10 I only play Blitzball I am growing weary of this I am tired of this constant battle between you and Vivi
  9. What rules!? (Sorry, I misread. I got an 11-0 against the Goers. I really did!)

    What rules are you talking about? There's two five minute periods. Score as much and as often as you please. The game ends when the timer hits 0. No rules about scores.
  10. No Ralz it is Impossible seeing as the game rules are first to reach 7 wins or time runs out but I do know of a way to get an unending game
  11. I'm not flaming your page though! Only his... and PMs are boring...

    But, ethan, you can totally gain 1o points without a device! I've done it!
  12. Well now I am mad I specifically said no war here now I want to keep it that way or you will not hear from me for a while
  13. That CAN be annoying when you can't actually leave an impression on the other guy...
  14. Defend it on your own Board I tend to hate fighting without physical violence
  15. I'm sorry about that, ethan.

    I just don't like when people make false accusations. I have to defend my position.
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