Thanks, It's easier than I thought.
That's the way you do it! You did it flawlessly!
That's the spirit!
I guess I'll try!
Don't be afraid! It's simple, copy the last set of stats and attack the final Archangel with an attack, from there, we'll go into the boss fights!
But what if I mess up?
Youre turn!
Well, it just came down to one battle, so basically, you know the battles between you and Alther, well it justgot blown up, and it's just one battle now!
I'm still confused... Maybe I'll leave the RP, I don't get it. Maybe I sound stupid to you...,.
Basically, You're playing a generic battle, I'll be both on your team and controlling the enemies. That's it! The other battles belong to other members! Want me to PM you the stats every now and then?
Here! I can set you up with a battle!
Hey! VMM! There's an RP that you can join if you want!
I Pm'ed you something!
Making these videos! YouTube - Dissidia Final Fantasy: Zidane Vs The Emperior YouTube - Dissidia Final Fantasy: Zidane Vs Exdeath