Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. (Thanks a lot!)

    (You drew that?! That's amazing! I LOVE IT!)

    I haven't got past Chapter 4 still. There is just something making me not want to play it. I like the game but I'm not really sure what's up with me.

    (Ah, drawn for success!)

    Ugh, still hard finding time to play it. So much is happening at once, I can't get any time at all... >_> (I'm going to get 50 Potions, 50 Phoenix Downs, 50 Holy Waters, and 50 Antidotes before I leave. I'll also buy all the equipment I don't have right now. Its about time I got to do this. I thought I'd be at 3500 gil forever. )
  3. (Meigumi made it for my birthday so I thought I'd use it!)

    That sounds great! I'll get there and I'll do this trick! How have you had enough time to play it, huh?
  4. (New avatar again, huh?)

    Anyway, I come bringing news of a another leveling spot and a place to get gil!

    If you haven't passed Chapter Seven yet, then when you get to Hope's house, a bunch of soldiers will attack. By looping around the room, they respawn forever, and they're not hard to take down. Each battle gives 160 CP, so keep fighting, and you can max out your Crystarium for this chapter nicely.

    As for gil, the battles here might net you an Incentive Chip. Sell these at a shop (which just happens to be in the room) for 2500 gil! Finally, you can stock up on Potions and such.

    I found it pretty quickly, and I'm abusing the crap out of it. I want some gil and I want some extra CP for next time, because it's requiring more and more now. (I checked some of those reviews, it eventually costs like 8000-10000 PER LINE. o_O)
  5. Hope can't use his boomerang as a weapon for me, yet. So, he's a dedicated Ravager, and with Lightning as a Commando, I have the Slice & Burn combo. I also have them both as Medics, becoming Double Dose combo, and also with Hope as a Synergist, and Lightning as a Medic, I forget the combo name, though.

    Are you in some kind of darkened monster cells? The area comes before that.

    You didn't get Hope's third weapon, yet? Its in that area I mentioned. I'm still waiting on Snow. I imagine he has like 99999 points by now! xD
  6. I saw that it said get a big chain so I put them on relentless assault or whatever! -_-' Thanks a lot.

    I've passed it, I think. =/ I'll find out later.

    Oh, I've leveled Lightning's Blazefire Saber up to level 9 and I leveled Hope's Airwing to level 7! Now I have Vanille and Sazh again and they're so weak! xD
  7. I beat him the hard way, then I looked at his description and figured out what you're SUPPOSED to do. (At least I know what to do next time! )

    Also, I found a choice leveling spot in Lightning's senario. If you haven't passed it, yet, you can do some good grinding in that crystal area with the monsters. There's a scene that PSICOM isn't after you here, that's the place. If you get a good strategy for battles going, they can be over very quickly. Try to get Preemptive Strikes; it helps.

    I finished my leveling with those two for now, and I can't wait to finish everyone else's so I can have a slightly easier time. Also, have you done some weapon leveling, yet? I got Lightning's Blazefire Saber up to level 15, and now her basic attack is 180 and magic is 160! xD
  8. I've just beaten Odin, too! He wasn't that hard with your strategy! Thanks for that! =)
  9. I beat Odin!

    I found out what you have to do. You know how he keeps going after Hope? The trick is you need to keep him healed. That's what fills his gauge. (Of course, I did the brute force method, and won. )
  10. A little bit. He's a step above Edward, at least.

    I'm not there, yet. Lightning separated not too long ago, we just reunited with Hope. So the team is Sazh, Vanille, and Hope. I guess we're going to catch up with Lightning. I don't think leveling will help too much. There are caps... o_O

    Its stupidly awesome. ^^ I thought it was like a slingshot with an extended handle, but with whips... o_O It does seem to have a range, which is nice. I don't notice it, all that happens is it loads for one second. And the game really is linear, and the chests are exactly where you'd think they be: in a split path that leads to a dead end... >_> I hate the gil so far, I can't buy anything!
  11. Yeah, but he's gaining confidence! =D

    Yeah, for Odin, you have to chain while he's blasting you with combos and thunderas! It takes me 30 secs to die and I only have Lightning and Hope in my team. =_= More raising, I suppose?

    I think that weapons stupid. It's like a tennis ball thing... ( I can't remember the name but hopefully you get what I mean.) Anyway, I thought her third attack was a little delayed but I liked the damage it took off enemies. Hey, does it like freeze the controls for a second when you go to save or shop? I thought it was my controller but just to make sure...
  12. Losing his mom, and he has a Tidus-complex? Wow... o_O

    I got the Shiva sisters a while ago, I found out you have to do the Cecil thing like in FFIV, just defend.

    I wanna use Vanille's weapon as an attack, again. I have no idea what it does, or why it whips things, but its so awesome! (Like, when she first gets it, and starts attacking, she doesn't know when to stop and its like she's attacking endlessly! )
  13. I know what you mean... ='(

    They are! I'm getting my second Eidolon, Odin and I can't beat him! x( I have Hope as a Red Mage, Sazh as a buffer, Vanille as a White Mage and Lightning's the warrior.
  14. Now I'm getting through Chapter 4. Poor Hope!

    The battles are getting more tricky. Time to assemble a helpful set of jobs. Sazh and Hope are mages, and Vanille is the White Mage.
  15. Chapter 4 here! =)
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