Here goes...!
I deleted your accounts, only afterwards did I realize that I was able to activa them myself LOL! Try again, doesn't work and I'll activate it for ya.
Its good... like how you split it into the second one. Gets us wanting to see what happened.
? I referred to the last scne of #1.
Its up to you, Alther. We'll support you if you can't win. (P.S. Please win. )
Did you see the Cutscene?
YEEEEEEESSSSSSS! I love the holdiays! Free stuff = GOOD!
Merry christmas!!!
Return to the Group.
Creative. Well, I guess your character just can't escape Elyon in the end.
Glad to hear it, like I said, I'm a bit rusty How did you like my pun?
Well, I have it an honest attempt...
Hey! I'm back! and also, I'll let yo make a new character.
Oh, okay. Thanks for the tip!