Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

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  1. That's great! Let everyone shine!

    *lurk-ity lurklurks*

    Asians are great and superior, but they can't see the future. ;~;
  2. I... did the impossible... o_O

    I... Let... Alther... Narrate... The... Rest... Of... The... Chronicle... O_o
  3. *watching so much, his eyes start to bleed... o_O*

    Aw... I'll have to get them out of Fate, then...
  4. *lots of lurking sounds*

    I wish I could. But I can't, which is a little sad.
  5. *so much watching...*

    I wish you could. You could feed me the lottery numbers!
  6. *even more lurking sounds*

    I don't even know myself. ovo It's not like I can see some alternative future.
  7. *more watching...*

    WHO!?!?!?!? ()
  8. *more lurking sounds*

    Naw, but it'll still happen in some point in life. You know, except there's someone else.
  9. *watches all sides...*

    Actually, if you didn't exist, then it wouldn't exist. o_O
  10. *lurking sounds*

    If we didn't exist, then it would have worked fine.
  11. *Ralz says: That explains it. o_O*

    Yes, it always works.
  12. *Meigumi says: It's because of me and my handy flamethrower.*

    I was talking about your own imagination, but that kinda works.
  13. *Ralz says: Hey... why are we still talking like this, again?*

    But it is a character-and-theme story. We are the characters, and I'm using a them that COMBINES two original thems, and one that overly complicates my character! That, by itself, should be quite epic.
  14. *Meigumi says: It appears so.*

    Come onnn... A set of characters and a theme is what makes a real story.
  15. *Ralz says: Diversity makes the world go 'round. *

    It can't be helped.
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