Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

959 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ummm...... Here's an invisible cake! You can't see it... but I assure you, it does exist! You also can't touch it, smell it, or even taste it, I'm afraid. It was all I could afford on such a tight budget...

    But, uh.... happy birthday!
  2. Geuss what? It's my birthday! You got anything for me? =D
  3. Hei. =)
  4. Sup.
  5. I remember the recklessness. Remember when we were doing 905958239673-5348762360957686-987236-82363-7486367 damage with a tier-one thunder spell? Lolz.

    I might try to get on tonight. We'll see what happens.
  6. Wanna have an RP Battle? I have opened an thread so everyone can fight for fun or practice if they like, I kinda miss Battles.
  7. Yeah, good idea.

    EDIT: Too bad about Rhapso. I guess we're down to six again. Gotta get to work!
  8. You should make your Character Profile complete! It's being empty for days!
  9. Agreed.
  10. For some reason, the plot of this has been bothering me. We still haven't decided what it's based on or what happens in it, yet.

    Maybe after these testing demos are finished, we can work on what will go in the final game.
  11. I have an story for you!

    ---Stupid Story---


    Best story ever?! I THINK SO!!
  12. Ahh, Thats good to know.
  13. Okay, I'll check it out.

    Computer's now back up and running. I'll return to my daily routine starting tomorrow.
  14. Hey dude, I made up an Chart for everyone to make their Stats quickly and nice, If you wanna make stuff quick, You can download the Chart at the bottom of the post.

    How is everything anyway? Having fixed that computer yet? Or... Was there another problem? I don't remember.
  15. The new guy shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, my computer is out, AGAIN, so I can only observe on the PSP. When the computer is fixed, I'll return to my post.
Showing Visitor Messages 601 to 615 of 959
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